Vanilla WoW Wiki

Lawbringer Armor is the Tier 1 set for Paladins.


All Tier 1 set items drop in Molten Core.

Item Source Bind
[Lawbringer Belt] Trash Mobs BoE
[Lawbringer Boots] Lucifron BoP
[Lawbringer Bracers] Trash Mobs BoE
[Lawbringer Chestguard] Golemagg The Incinerator BoP
[Lawbringer Gauntlets] Gehennas BoP
[Lawbringer Helm] Garr BoP
[Lawbringer Legplates] Magmadar BoP
[Lawbringer Spaulders] Baron Geddon BoP



Lawbringer Armor
Inv belt 27
Inv boots plate 09
Inv bracer 18
Inv chest plate03
Inv gauntlets 29
Inv helmet 05
Inv pants 04
Inv shoulder 20

Patch changes[]

  • Patch 1.7.0 (patch date:2005-09-22): The Lawbringer Paladin Set's Healing Circle effect now only affects your party, but the range of the heal has been increased to 30 yds. 
  • Patch 1.5.0 (patch date:2005-06-07):
    • Statistics, effects, and set bonuses updated.
    • New art has been added for the Lawbringer set. 

External links[]
