Vanilla WoW Wiki

A language is a lexicon of words that various characters use to speak to each other and communicate. In World of Warcraft, most races have a unique language they speak that only they can understand. Each faction shares a common language of the dominant race (Orcish for Horde and Common for Alliance).

A language may or may not have an associated alphabet for writing. Several languages may share the same alphabet, or may have a specific alphabet used only for that language.

It should be noted that traditionally (in the RTS games and the pen & paper RPG) almost all intelligent races speak Common. The ability for player characters to learn additional languages was planned early in World of Warcraft but was not developed, likely due to the tendency of cross-faction communication to be insulting and profane. It seems unlikely that this functionality will ever be added. The Forsaken were originally able to speak Common and thus communicate with Alliance players, but this was removed with the introduction of Gutterspeak due to, once again, the tendency of cross-faction communication to be insulting and profane.

Alliance languages[]

The Alliance's primary language is Common.

Race Language Alphabet
Humans Common Common
Night elves Darnassian Darnassian
Dwarves Dwarven (Dwarvish) Runic
Gnomes Gnomish Common

Horde languages[]

The Horde's primary language is Orcish.

Race Language Alphabet
Orcs Orc or Orcish Common, Runic
Trolls Zandali (Troll) Unknown
Tauren Taur-ahe (Taurahe) Pictoforms
Undead Gutterspeak Common

Other known languages[]

The RPG Icon 16x36 This section concerns content exclusive to the Warcraft RPG, and thus is not necessarily canon.

Generally, 'less' civilized races (kobolds, etc.) speak Low Common.

Race Language Alphabet
Lesser Races Low Common None
Arakkoa Ravenspeech
Demons Eredun (Demonic) Eredic
Elementals Kalimag Runic
Half-elves Thalassian, Common Darnassian
High elves Thalassian Darnassian
Various Giant
Various Elven Darnassian
Dragons Draconic Runic
Naga Nazja Darnassian
Scourge Language of Death "strange Symbols"
Titans Titan Runic, Glyphs
Murlocs Nerglish (Murloc) Pictoforms
Makrura Nerglish Pictoforms
Furbolgs Ursine (Furbolg) Pictoforms
Gnolls Low Common, Gnoll Pictoforms
Nerubians Nerubian Runic
Tuskarrs Tuskarr Pictoforms
Pandaren Pandaren Unknown
Giants Giant, Titan, Kalimag Unknown
Various Kalimdoran Unknown
Various Abyssal Unknown
Qiraji Qiraji Unknown
Krenka Clan Centaur Krenkese Unknown
Water Elementals Aquan Unknown
Air Elementals Auran Unknown
Fire Elementals Ignan Unknown
Earth Elementals Terran Unknown

Changing chat language[]

The language a player's character speaks, for those with more than one, can be changed by going into the chat menu. Clicking on the "Chat Bubble" on the chat box tool bar, then highlighting "Language" with the cursor, will make a list of known languages to appear. From there, the player can click one to choose which language they prefer to speak.

It may be worth mentioning that when the language is changed, it only affects say, yell, guild, and party chat. General and whispers will be unaffected. Also, it tends to irritate a player's guild when they speak their "native" language.


As with many other features of the Warcraft setting, many of the languages[1] are derived from early fantasy or the Dungeons and Dragons role-playing game — not in the sense of the actual languages, but in what kinds of languages are present in a given world. This connection is mostly obvious from the shared culture and parallels or outright duplication of language names, primarily on the outer reaches of Warcraft lore that appear in the Warcraft RPG — which started out as an offshoot of Dungeons and Dragons.

Language names that are the same or re-used from D&D in Warcraft


