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A King is typically the title of a hereditary, male monarch of a nation, region, or state. The spouse of a king is usually called a queen, but is rarely given a portion or shared rulership. A king may be she spouse of a female monarch called a queen, but that is rare.
Kings of the Alliance[]
Kings are the main leaders of the Alliance of Lordaeron, Quel'Thalas, Khaz Modan, Kingdom of Azeroth (now Stormwind) and other kingdoms. Every member of the House of Wrynn was or is a king. They reign over the human, elven and dwarfen kingdoms from the Troll Wars to the Third War. The last true king of Lordaeron was betrayed and murdered by his own son. Now with the creation of the Grand Alliance, Varian Wrynn, son of Llane occupies this post.

King Llane

King Terenas Menethil, King of Lordaeron

King Varian Wrynn
Notable Alliance kings[]
- First King of Azeroth
Llane Wrynn I
- King of Azeroth during the First War (assassinated by Garona)
King Terenas Menethil II
- King of Lordaeron during the Second and Third War(murdered by Arthas)
"King"Arthas Menethil
- King of the Fallen Lordaeron (his reign was short, because he returned to Northrend and became the Lich King)

King Varian Wrynn
- King of Stormwind
High Elves[]
Dath'Remar Sunstrider
- First of the High Elves
Modimus Anvilmar
- Former high king of all dwarves.
Magni Bronzebeard
- King of Ironforge, presumed dead after the Shattering.
High Tinker Gelbin Mekkatorque
- King of Gnomes (although the position is not technically hereditary).
Kings of the Horde[]
The Horde does not typical call their leaders kings, even if they are male monarchs. The title is largely historical from a group that joined the Horde and used that title previously.
Notable Horde kings[]
Blood Elves[]
Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider
- The Sun King (but technically never crowned king)
Other kings[]

the Lich King
Lich King of the Scourge
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Arthas Menethil/
Ner'zhul, later
Bolvar Fordragon)
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