Vanilla WoW Wiki
Judgement of Justice
Ability paladin judgementred
  • Judgement of Justice
  • 10 yd  range
  • 10 seconds cooldown
  • 5% of base mana
  • Instant cast
  • Unleashes the energy of a Seal spell to judge an enemy for 20 sec, preventing them from fleeing and limiting their movement speed. Refer to individual Seals for additional Judgement effect. Only one Judgement per Paladin can be active at any one time.
Usable by
Cooldown10 seconds
Improved Judgements, Righteous Vengeance, Fanaticism, Heart of the Crusader, Benediction
Other information
Related debuff
Ability paladin judgementred
  • Magic
  • Judgement of Justice
  • Cannot flee or move faster than your normal movement speed. This is not considered a movement impairing effect.
  • Duration: 20 seconds

Judgement of Justice is a Paladin ability. It replaced the Judgement effect of Seal of Justice. It is trainable at level 28.

As with all Judgements, your Miss chance with Judgement of Justice is the same as your miss chance with a melee attack.

Tips & Tricks[]


This judgement is very useful to stop runners, especially in tight areas such as in the Scarlet Monastery.


The movement speed limit of the judged player is not considered a movement impairing effect, meaning acts such as shape shifting and Hand of Freedom will not remove it. This prevents a player from going above their normal run speed. Thus, for instance, a Druid who is affected by the Judgement will not go any faster than the normal run speed if they shift into Travel Form, a Rogue who uses Sprint will receive no speed boost, and any player riding a mount will receive no speed bonus from doing so.

Patch Changes[]

  • Template:Patch 4.0.1
  • WoW Icon 16x16 Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Added. Replaced the Judgement effect of Seal of Justice

External links[]

Template:Paladin seals
