Vanilla WoW Wiki
Jorek Ironside
Title <Frostwolf Supply Officer>
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 58 Elite
Affiliation Frostwolf Clan
Location Alterac Mountains
See Icon-3D-48x48

Jorek Ironside is a level 58 PvP rewards vendor located outside the Alterac Valley entrance in the contested territory of Alterac Mountains. To find him go to Tarren Mill and find the graveyard (through town from the flight path) then go due north. He is the Frostwolf Supply Officer for the Horde. He replaces Horde Jekyll Flandring as the Horde Frostwolf Supply Officer.


Icon-search-22x22 This section needs to be cleaned up to a higher standard of quality. Reason: Needs prices.

He sells the following items:

See List of Alterac Mountains NPCs.

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