This page lists instances by their recommended level.
The recommended group size is indicated in the first cell. The maximum number of players allowed in the instance, if different, is indicated between brackets.
Players | Instance | Suggested Level |
5 (10) | Ragefire Chasm ![]() |
(13-18) |
5 (10) | Wailing Caverns | (17-24) |
5 (10) | The Deadmines ![]() |
(17-26) |
5 (10) | Shadowfang Keep | (22-30) |
5 (10) | Blackfathom Deeps | (24-32) |
5 (10) | The Stockade ![]() |
(24-32) |
5 (10) | Gnomeregan | (29-38) |
5 (10) | Razorfen Kraul | (29-38) |
5 (10) | The Scarlet Monastery | (34-45) |
5 (10) | Razorfen Downs | (37-46) |
5 (10) | Uldaman | (41-51) |
5 (10) | Zul'Farrak | (42-46) |
5 (10) | Maraudon | (46-55) |
5 (10) | Temple of Atal'Hakkar | (50-56) |
5 | Blackrock Depths | (52-60) |
5 (10) | Lower Blackrock Spire | (55-60) |
10 | Upper Blackrock Spire | (55-60) |
5 | Dire Maul | (55-60) |
5 | Stratholme | (58-60) |
5 | Scholomance | (58-60) |
40 | Onyxia's Lair | (60+) |
20 | Zul'Gurub | (60+) |
40 | Molten Core | (60+) |
40 | Blackwing Lair | (60++) |
20 | Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj | (60++) |
40 | Temple of Ahn'Qiraj | (60+++) |
40 | Naxxramas | (60++++) |
Simple List of Current Instances By Level
Format: (Minimum Level Requirement) Recommended Level Range: Dungeon Name [Faction]
- (8)13-18: Ragefire Chasm
- (10)17-24: The Deadmines
- (10)17-24: Wailing Caverns
- (14)22-30: Shadowfang Keep
- (15)24-31: The Stockade
- (15)24-32: Blackfathom Deeps
- (19)29-38: Gnomeregan
- (19)29-38: Razorfen Kraul
- (21)34-45: The Scarlet Monastery
- (25)37-46: Razorfen Downs
- (30)41-51: Uldaman
- (35)44-54: Zul'Farrak
- (35)46-55: Maraudon
- (35)50-60: Temple of Atal'hakkar (The Sunken Temple)
- (40)52-60: Blackrock Depths
- (45)55-60: Blackrock Spire
- 55-60: Lower Blackrock Spire
- 58-60: Upper Blackrock Spire 10-man Raid
- (45)56-60: Dire Maul
- (45)58-60: Stratholme
- (45)58-60: Scholomance
- (50)60+: Onyxia's Lair 40-man Raid
- (60)60+: Zul'Gurub 20-man Raid
- (58)60+: Molten Core 40-man Raid
- (60)60++: Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj 20-man Raid
- (60)60++: Blackwing Lair 40-man Raid
- (60)60+++: Temple of Ahn'Qiraj 40-man Raid
- (60)60++++: Naxxramas 40-man Raid