Vanilla WoW Wiki
Vanilla WoW Wiki
Ui-charactercreate-classes hunter Hunter
the Beast Tamer
Attributes DPS Armor Types Cloth, Leather, Mail
Weapon Types Bows, Crossbows, Fist, Swords (2h), Axes (2h), Spears, Daggers, Staves, Thrown,
Races Dwarf, Night Elf, Orc, Tauren, Troll
Physicaldamage 80
Defensepower 60
Spellpower 0
Difficulty 20
Health 26 Strength 0
Mana 63 Agility +3*
Stamina +1
Intellect 0*
Spirit +1
* - Denotes any major statistic.
Classese Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior
Class races Dr Hu Ma Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Quests Dr Hu Ma Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Abilities Dr Hu Ma Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Trainers Dr Hu Ma Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Talents Dr Hu Ma Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Talent builds Dr Hu Ma Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Tactics Dr Hu Ma Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Armor sets Dr Hu Ma Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Starting a Dr Hu Ma Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
PvE Dr Hu Ma Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
PvP Dr Hu Ma Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Useful macros Dr Hu Ma Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr

Hunters are light, fast warriors that shun the heaviest armor. Their agility and training afford them many defensive maneuvers and the use of a large variety of weapons. To survive in the wild, Hunters have learned to be the masters of deadly shots with bow or gun, as well as expert trappers. Their swiftness and expertise with ranged weapons is a sight to be seen. And their abilities only further the effectiveness of such weapons.

Click on a given ability's name and you will be taken to a page with more in-depth information about that ability.

Abilities tables[]

The Hunter can purchase abilities and learn their abilities from their class trainers. Most active pet abilities are unique and come along with the pet, which can be enhanced via Beast Training. Hunters can learn from Pet Trainers, to receive more options and passive abilities, which they then can train to their pets via Beast Training.

Trainable abilites[]

Icon Ability Min Level Range Tree Description
Ability whirlwind Auto Shot Starts with 8 - 35 yards Marksmanship Automatically shoots the target until cancelled.
Ability meleedamage Raptor Strike Starts with 5 yards Survival A strong attack that increases melee damage by X.
Ability tracking Track Beasts 1 Self Only Survival Shows the location of all nearby beasts on the minimap. Only one form of tracking can be active at a time.
Ability hunter quickshot Serpent Sting 4 8 - 35 yards Marksmanship Stings the target, causing X Nature damage over 15 sec. Only one Sting per Hunter can be active on any one target.
Ability impalingbolt Arcane Shot 6 8 - 35 yards Marksmanship An instant shot that causes X Arcane damage.
Ability hunter snipershot Hunter's Mark 6 100 yards Marksmanship Places the Hunter's Mark on the target, increasing the Ranged Attack Power of all attackers against that target by X. In addition, the target of this ability can always be seen by the hunter whether it stealths or turns invisible. The target also appears on the mini-map. Lasts for 2 minutes.
Spell frost stun Concussive Shot 8 8 - 35 yards Marksmanship Dazes the target, slowing movement speed by 50% for 4 sec.
Ability hunter beastcall02 Beast Training 10* Self Only Beast Mastery Lets the Hunter train his pet with various abilities that he has learned.
*Rewarded from Taming the Beast.
Ability hunter beastcall Call Pet 10* Self Only Beast Mastery Summons your pet to your side.
*Rewarded from Taming the Beast.
Spell nature spiritwolf Dismiss Pet 10* 10 yards Beast Mastery Dismiss your pet. Dismissing your pet will reduce its happiness by 50.
*Rewarded from Taming the Beast.
Ability hunter beasttraining Feed Pet 10* 10 yards Beast Mastery Feed your pet the selected item. Feeding your pet increases happiness. Using food close to the pet's level will have a better result.
*Rewarded from Taming the Beast.
Ability hunter beastsoothe Revive Pet 10* Self only Beast Mastery Revive your pet, returning it to life with 15% of its base health.
*Rewarded from Taming the Beast.
Ability hunter beasttaming Tame Beast 10* 30 yards Beast Mastery Begins taming a beast to be your companion. Your armor is reduced by 100% while you focus on taming the beast for 20 sec. If you lose the beast's attention for any reason, the taming process will fail. Once tamed, the beast will be very unhappy and disloyal. Try feeding the pet immediately to make it happy.
*Rewarded from Taming the Beast.
Spell nature ravenform Aspect of the Hawk 10 Self Only Beast Mastery The hunter takes on the aspects of a hawk, increasing Ranged Attack Power by X. Only one Aspect can be active at a time.
Spell holy prayerofhealing Track Humanoids 10 Self Only Survival Shows the location of all nearby humanoids on the minimap. Only one form of tracking can be active at a time.
Spell arcane blink Distracting Shot 12 8 - 35 yards Marksmanship Distract the target, causing threat.
Ability hunter mendpet Mend Pet 12 20 yards Beast Mastery Heals your pet X health every second while you focus. Lasts 5 sec.
Ability rogue trip Wing Clip 12 5 yards Survival Inflicts X damage and reduces the enemy target's movement speed by Y% for 10 sec.
Ability hunter eagleeye Eagle Eye 14 50000 yards Beast Mastery Zooms in the hunter's vision. Only usable outdoors. Lasts 60 sec.
Ability eyeoftheowl Eyes of the Beast 14 50000 yards Beast Mastery Take direct control of your pet and see through its eyes for 60 sec.
Ability druid cower Scare Beast 14 10 yards Beast Mastery Scares a beast, causing it to run in fear for up to X sec. Damage caused may interrupt the effect. Only one beast can be feared at a time.
Ability hunter swiftstrike Mongoose Bite 16 5 yards Survival Counterattack the enemy for X damage. Can only be performed after you dodge.
Spell fire flameshock Immolation Trap 16 Self Only Survival Place a fire trap that will burn the first enemy to approach for X Fire damage over 15 sec. Trap will exist for 60 sec. Traps can only be placed when out of combat. Only one trap can be active at a time.
Ability upgrademoonglaive Multi-Shot 18 8 - 35 yards Marksmanship Fires several missiles, hitting 3 targets for an additional X damage.
Spell shadow darksummoning Track Undead 18 Self Only Survival Shows the location of all nearby undead on the minimap. Only one form of tracking can be active at a time.
Ability mount jungletiger Aspect of the Cheetah 20 Self Only Beast Mastery The hunter takes on the aspects of a cheetah, increasing movement speed by 30%. If the hunter takes damage, he will be dazed for 4 sec. Only one Aspect can be active at a time.
Ability rogue feint Disengage 20 5 yards Survival Attempts to disengage from the target, reducing threat. Character exits combat mode.
Spell frost chainsofice Freezing Trap 20 Self Only Survival Place a frost trap that freezes the first enemy that approaches, preventing all action for up to X sec. Any damage caused will break the ice. Trap will exist for 60 sec. Traps can only be placed when out of combat. Only one trap can be active at a time.
Ability hunter criticalshot Scorpid Sting 22 8 - 35 yards Marksmanship Stings the target, reducing Strength and Agility by X for 20 sec. Only one Sting per Hunter can be active on any one target.
Ability physical taunt Beast Lore 24 40 yards Beast Mastery Gather information about the target beast. The tooltip will display damage, health, armor, any special resistances, and diet.
Ability stealth Track Hidden 24 Self Only Survival Increases stealth detection and shows hidden units within detection range on the minimap. Only one form of tracking can be active at a time.
Ability hunter runningshot Rapid Fire 26 Self Only Marksmanship Increases ranged attack speed by 40% for 15 sec.
Spell frost summonwaterelemental Track Elementals 26 Self Only Survival Shows the location of all nearby elementals on the minimap. Only one form of tracking can be active at a time.
Spell frost freezingbreath Frost Trap 28 Self Only Survival Place a frost trap that creates an ice slick around itself for 30 sec when the first enemy approaches it. All enemies within 10 yards will be slowed by 60% while in the area of effect. Trap will exist for 60 sec. Traps can only be placed when out of combat. Only one trap can be active at a time.
Ability mount pinktiger Aspect of the Beast 30 Self Only Beast Mastery The hunter takes on the aspects of a beast, becoming untrackable. Only one Aspect can be active at a time.
Ability rogue feigndeath Feign Death 30 Self Only Survival Feign death which may trick enemies into ignoring you. Lasts up to 6 minutes.
Spell fire flare Flare 32 30 yards Marksmanship Exposes all hidden and invisible enemies within 10 yards of the targeted area for 30 sec.
Spell shadow summonfelhunter Track Demons 32 Self Only Survival Shows the location of all nearby demons on the minimap. Only one form of tracking can be active at a time.
Spell fire selfdestruct Explosive Trap 34 Self Only Survival Place a fire trap that explodes when an enemy approaches, causing X to Y Fire damage and Z additional Fire damage over 20 sec to all within 10 yards. Trap will exist for 60 sec. Traps can only be placed when out of combat. Only one trap can be active at a time.
Ability hunter aimedshot Viper Sting 36 8 - 35 yards Marksmanship Stings the target, draining X mana over 8 sec. Only one Sting per Hunter can be active on any one target.
Ability mount whitetiger Aspect of the Pack 40 Self Only Beast Mastery The hunter and group members within 30 yards take on the aspects of a pack of cheetahs, increasing movement speed by 30%. If a pack member takes damage, they will be dazed for 4 sec. Only one Aspect can be active at a time.
Ability racial avatar Track Giants 40 Self Only Survival Shows the location of all nearby giants on the minimap. Only one form of tracking can be active at a time.
Ability marksmanship Volley 40 8 - 35 yards Marksmanship Continuously fires a volley of ammo at the target area, causing X Arcane damage to enemy targets within 8 yards every second for 6 sec.
Spell nature protectionformnature Aspect of the Wild 46 Self Only Beast Mastery The hunter and group members within 30 yards take on the aspect of the wild, increasing Nature resistance by X. Only one Aspect can be active at a time.
Inv misc head dragon 01 Track Dragonkin 50 Self Only Survival Shows the location of all nearby dragonkin on the minimap. Only one form of tracking can be active at a time.
Spell nature drowsy Tranquilizing Shot 60* 8 - 35 yards Marksmanship Attempts to remove 1 Frenzy effect from an enemy creature.
*Learned from Tome of Tranquilizing Shot.

Talent abilities[]

Beast Mastery[]

Icon Ability Tier Range Description
Ability devour Intimidation 5 100 yards Command your pet to intimidate the target on the next successful melee attack, causing a high amount of threat and stunning the target for 3 sec.
Ability druid ferociousbite Bestial Wrath 7 100 yards Send your pet into a rage causing 50% additional damage for 18 sec. While enraged, the beast does not feel pity or remorse or fear and it cannot be stopped unless killed.


Icon Ability Tier Range Description
Inv spear 07 Aimed Shot 3 8 - 35 yards An aimed shot that increases ranged damage by X.
Ability golemstormbolt Scatter Shot 5 15 yards A short-range shot that deals 50% weapon damage and disorients the target for 4 sec. Any damage caused will remove the effect. Turns off your attack when used.
Ability trueshot Trueshot Aura 7 Self Increases the attack power of party members within 45 yards by X. Lasts 30 minutes.


Icon Ability Tier Range Description
Ability whirlwind Deterrence 3 Self only When activated, increases your Dodge and Parry chance by 25% for 10 sec.
Ability warrior challange Counterattack 5 5 yards A strike that becomes active after parrying an opponent's attack. This attack deals X damage and immobilizes the target for 5 sec. Counterattack cannot be blocked, dodged, or parried.
Inv spear 02 Wyvern Sting 7 8 - 35 yards A stinging shot that puts the target to sleep for 12 sec. Any damage will cancel the effect. When the target wakes up, the Sting causes X Nature damage over 12 sec. Only usable out of combat. Only one Sting per Hunter can be active on the target at a time.

See also[]
