Vanilla WoW Wiki

The Tier 3 Paladin Armor Set Redemption Armor includes a 6-piece set bonus that has a chance to imbue the healed target with Holy Power, a temporary effect that buffs the player according to their class:

Spell Magic MageArmor Increases the friendly target's armor by 700 for 8 sec. Warrior, ???
Spell Holy Devotion Increases the friendly target's attack power by 140 for 8 sec. Hunter, Rogue, ???
Spell Holy HolyNova Increases the friendly target's spell damage and healing by up to 80 for 8 sec. Paladin, Mage, Warlock, Priest, ???
Spell Holy SpiritualGuidence Increases the friendly target's mana regeneration by 28 per 5 sec. for 8 sec. Priest, Mage, Hunter, Paladin, Warlock, ???