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Vanilla WoW Wiki
Holy Nova
Spell holy holynova
  • Holy Nova
  • None/Global Cooldown cooldown
  • 20% of base mana
  • Instant cast
  • Causes an explosion of holy light around the caster, causing X Holy damage to all enemy targets within 10 yards and healing all party members within 10 yards for Y. These effects cause no threat.
Usable by
TypeOffensive, Defensive
CooldownNone/Global Cooldown
Holy Specialization, Searing Light, Holy Reach, Spiritual Healing, Blessed Resilience, Test of Faith, Twin Disciplines, Silent Resolve, Mental Agility, Focused Power, Focused Will, Divine Aegis, Grace.
Other information

Holy Nova is a Holy based PBAoE spell which heals party members and damages enemies, causing no threat.

Rank Table[]

Rank Level Damage to Enemies Healing To Party Cost
1 20 28 - 32 52 - 60 30s
2 28 50 - 58 86 - 98 80s
3 36 76 - 88 121 - 139 1g 40s
4 44 106 - 123 161 - 188 2g 40s
5 52 140 - 163 235 - 272 3g 80s
6 60 181 - 210 302 - 350 4g 60s
7 68 242 - 280 384 - 446 11g
8 75 333 - 387 611 - 709 18g
9 80 398 - 462 713 - 827 18g

Talent improvements[]

Holy tree talents:

  • Holy Specialization, increased critical strike chance with all Holy spells by 1/2/3/4/5%.
  • Searing Light, increases damage done by 5/10% (requires all 5 talent points in Divine Fury).
  • Holy Reach, increases range by 10/20%.
  • Spiritual Healing, increases the amount healed by healing spells 2/4/6/8/10%.
  • Blessed Resilience, increases your healing by 1/2/3%, when hit by a critical strike, for 6 seconds.
  • Test of Faith, increases healing by 4/8/12% on targets below 50% health.

Discipline tree talents:

  • Twin Disciplines, increases damage and healing done by 1/2/3/4/5%.
  • Silent Resolve, reduces threat by 7/14/20%.
  • Mental Agility, reduces the mana cost by 4/7/10%.
  • Focused Power, increases healing done by 2/4%.
  • Focused Will, increases critical strike chance of all spells by 1/2/3%.
  • Divine Aegis, critical heals create a protective shield that absorbs 10/20/30% damage.
  • Passive: Grace, if a target is buffed with Grace from Flash Heal, Greater Heal or Penance it will increase healing by 3% stacking 3 times from those spells (3/6/9%).


  • Holy Nova was originally a 31-point holy talent, and has been subject to many tweaks over time, including changes in cooldown, mana cost, and actual effect.

Tips and Tactics[]

  • It can be used in aggro-sensitive fights to avoid getting aggro.
  • Holy Nova generates no threat. However, it will put you on the aggro table, so if no other player is attacking a mob, the mob will attack you.
  • Its mana cost is very high, so avoid spamming it if you will need to heal after you hit it a few times.

Patch changes[]

  • Template:Patch 3.1.0
  • Template:Patch 3.0.2
  • Template:Patch 2.3.0
  • Template:Patch 2.1.0
  • Patch 1.10.0 (patch date:2006-03-28): Self cooldown on this spell removed. Mana cost increased. 
  • Patch 1.5.0 (patch date:2005-06-07): Cooldown decreased. 
  • Patch 1.4.0 (patch date:2005-05-05): Now causes an explosion of holy light around the caster, causing Holy damage to all enemy targets within 10 yards and healing all party members within 10 yards. These effects now cause no threat as opposed to reducing threat temporarily. 
