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Vanilla WoW Wiki
Holy Fire
Spell holy searinglight
  • Holy Fire
  • 30 yd  range
  • 10 sec. cooldown
  • 11% of base mana
  • 2 sec cast
  • Consumes the enemy in Holy flames that cause X Holy damage and an additional Y Holy damage over 7 sec.
Usable by
Cooldown10 sec.
Holy Specialization, Divine Fury, Searing Light, Holy Reach, Martyrdom, Silent Resolve, Inner Focus, Focused Power, Enlightenment, Focused Will, Power Infusion.
Other information
Related debuff
Spell holy searinglight
  • Magic
  • Holy Fire
  • {Y/5} Holy damage every 2 seconds.
  • Duration: 7 seconds
The damned shall be burned!

Holy Fire is a Holy based hybrid spell, which causes direct damage and additional damage over time. About three quarters of the damage are caused by the DD, and the other quarter by the DoT. This is spell is used in conjunction with Smite, when Holy Fire is on cooldown. To further emphasize this fact, a Glyph of Smite was made available. This glyph connects these spells, and creates a two-button spell circulation.

Rank table[]

Rank Level Direct Damage DoT Cost
1 20 102 to 128 21 30s
2 24 137 to 173 28 50s
3 30 200 to 252 42 1g
4 36 267 to 339 56 1g 40s
5 42 348 to 440 70 2g 20s
6 48 430 to 546 91 2g 80s
7 54 529 to 681 112 4g
8 60 630 to 711 126 4g 60s
9 66 705 to 895 147 6g 50s
10 72 732 to 928 287 18g
11 78 890 to 1130 350 18g


  • Spell damage is divided among the DD and the DoT. The exact formula is not known, but it does not seem to be divided proportional to the damage dealt.
  • The DoT ticks every two seconds, contrary to most other DoTs.

Talent improvements[]

Holy tree talents:

  • Holy Specialization, increased critical strike chance with all Holy spells by 1/2/3/4/5%.
  • Divine Fury, reduces the cast time by 0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5 seconds.
  • Searing Light, increases the damage by 5/10%.
  • Holy Reach, increases the range by 10/20%.

Discipline tree talents:

  • Silent Resolve, reduces threat by 7/14/20% and reduces the chance a DoT will be dispelled by 10/20/30%.
  • Martyrdom, after being hit critically, caster has a 50/100% chance to gain Focused Casting for 6 seconds, reducing the pushback suffered from damaging attacks by 10/20% and duration of Interrupt effects.
  • Inner Focus, the spell costs no mana, and increases it's critical strike chance by 25%.
  • Focused Power, increases damage done by 2/4%.
  • Enlightenment, increases haste of all spells by 2/4/6%.
  • Focused Will, increases critical strike chance of all spells by 1/2/3%.
  • Power Infusion, reduces casting time and mana cost of spells by 20% for 15 seconds.

Patch changes[]

  • Template:Patch 3.0.2
  • Patch 1.10.0 (patch date:2006-03-28): Now available to all priests, starting at level 20. 
  • Patch 1.4.0 (patch date:2005-05-05):
    • Should now be affected by the Focused Casting talent.
    • The cast time was reduced from five seconds to four seconds, which reduces the damage caused. Therefore, the damage was increased and more of the spell's potency was shifted into the damage-over-time portion. The duration was also increased and mana cost and cooldown were both decreased. 
  • Patch 1.3.0 (patch date:2005-03-07): Fixed a bug with the bonus damage gained from +fire damage items. Such items now have a greater effect on this spell. 
