High Marshal Whirlaxis <Abyssal High Council> Level: ?? Silithus
High Marshal Whirlaxis<Abyssal High Council> is a wind serpentboss summoned at a Greater Windstone in Silithus. He is a powerful elemental being requiring 20-40 people to defeat. Summoning him requires a full Twilight Trappings set, a Twilight Cultist Medallion of Station, and a Twilight Cultist Ring of Lordship.
Lightning Breath (Breathes lightning at an enemy, inflicting Nature damage.)
Lightning Shield (Surrounds the caster with 3 balls of lightning that have a 50% chance of striking melee or ranged attackers for Nature damage. Each time the lightning shield strikes, a ball of lightning dissipates. Thus, the shield expires after 10 min. or after it has struck 3 times.)
Updraft (Strikes enemies in a cone in front of the caster, knocking them back.)