Vanilla WoW Wiki
High Marshal Whirlaxis
Title <Abyssal High Council>
Race Wind serpent
Level ?? Boss
Health 39,972
Location Silithus
See Icon-3D-48x48

High Marshal Whirlaxis <Abyssal High Council> is a wind serpent boss summoned at a Greater Windstone in Silithus. He is a powerful elemental being requiring 20-40 people to defeat. Summoning him requires a full Twilight Trappings set, a Twilight Cultist Medallion of Station, and a Twilight Cultist Ring of Lordship.


  • Lightning Breath (Breathes lightning at an enemy, inflicting Nature damage.)
  • Lightning Shield (Surrounds the caster with 3 balls of lightning that have a 50% chance of striking melee or ranged attackers for Nature damage. Each time the lightning shield strikes, a ball of lightning dissipates. Thus, the shield expires after 10 min. or after it has struck 3 times.)
  • Updraft (Strikes enemies in a cone in front of the caster, knocking them back.)


Inv misc cape 20
Inv bracer 12
Inv shoulder 08
Inv staff 13
Spell nature earthbind
Spell nature tranquility
Spell nature cyclone1010

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