- Heavy Leather
- Item Level 30
- Sell Price: 1
- Vendor 6
Heavy Leather is used as a reagent in many professions.
- It can created by combining five Medium Leather.
- This leather can be skinned from beast monsters ranging up to level 45.
Heavy Leather as an Ingredient[]
Heavy Leather is used in the following recipes:
- Edge of Winter
- Frost Tiger Blade
- Glinting Steel Dagger
- Golden Iron Destroyer
- Hardened Iron Shortsword
- Heavy Mithril Axe
- Heavy Mithril Shoulder
- Jade Serpentblade
- Massive Iron Axe
- Moonsteel Broadsword
- Searing Golden Blade
- Shadow Crescent Axe
- Solid Iron Maul
[Steel Weapon Chain]
- Advanced Target Dummy
- Blue Firework
- Bright-Eye Goggles
- Compact Harvest Reaper Kit
- Craftsman's Monocle
- Fire Goggles
- Gnomish Goggles
- Gnomish Rocket Boots
- Goblin Rocket Boots
[Green Firework]
- Large Blue Rocket
- Large Green Rocket
- Large Red Rocket
- Large Seaforium Charge
- Red Firework
- Barbaric Belt
- Barbaric Bracers
- Barbaric Gloves
[Barbaric Harness]
- Barbaric Leggings
- Barbaric Shoulders
- Comfortable Leather Hat
- Dusky Belt
- Dusky Boots
- Dusky Bracers
- Dusky Leather Armor
- Dusky Leather Leggings
- Frost Leather Cloak
- Gloves of the Greatfather
- Green Leather Armor
- Green Leather Belt
- Green Leather Bracers
- Green Whelp Armor
- Green Whelp Bracers
- Guardian Armor
- Guardian Belt
- Guardian Cloak
- Guardian Gloves
- Guardian Leather Bracers
- Guardian Pants
- Heavy Armor Kit
- Heavy Leather Ammo Pouch
- Heavy Leather Ball
- Heavy Quiver
- Hillman's Cloak
- Murloc Scale Bracers
- Raptor Hide Belt
- Raptor Hide Harness
- Swift Boots
[Thick Leather]
- Thick Murloc Armor
- Azure Silk Gloves
- Earthen Silk Belt
- Green Silk Pack
- Hands of Darkness
- Small Silk Pack
- Star Belt
- Truefaith Gloves
In addition, it can be turned in, along with other items, for Thorium Brotherhood reputation from Neutral to Friendly.
External links[]