Vanilla WoW Wiki
For the Bloodsail Buccaneers vessel, see Garrot (vessel).
Ability rogue garrote
  • Garrote
  • 5 yd.  range
  • 50 Energy
  • Instant cast
  • Stealth, must be behind the target
  • Garrote the enemy, causing [X + AP * 0.07 * 6] damage over 18 sec, increased by attack power. Must be stealthed and behind the target. Awards 1 combo point.
Usable by
CooldownNone/Global Cooldown
See below
Other information
RequirementsStealth, must be behind the target
Related debuff
Ability rogue garrote
  • Garrote
  • X damage every 3 seconds.
  • Duration: 18 sec.

Garrote is a powerful damage over time ability that a rogue can use while stealthed to open a fight.

Rank table[]

Rank X Level Cost
1 20 14 12s
2 27 22 40s
3 37 30 1g
4 45 38 1g 80s
5 57 46 3g 10s
6 71 54 4g 32s
7 85 61 4g 50s
8 102 70 12g 60s
9 110 75 4g 50s
10 119 80 30g


  • You must be behind your target.
  • You must be stealthed

Damage calculation formula[]

The basic Garrote damage formula:

Multiplier = 1 + (0.1 * Opportunity Rank) + (0.2 if Shadowstep is used) + (.01 + .03 * Master of Subtlety)
Total Garrote Damage = (X + Attack power * 0.07) * modifier * 6
Damage per Tick = Total Garrote Damage / 6

The following assumes that the character is a level 19 Rogue with 278 attack power, 2/2 Opportunity and Garrote Rank 1.


Multiplier = 1 + (.2) = 1.2
Modifier = 278 * 0.07 = 19.46
Total Garrote Damage = (20 + 19.46) * 1.2 = 284.11
Damage Per Tick = 284.11 / 6 = 47.35 Damage every 3 seconds.

Related talents[]

  • Opportunity increases the damage of your Garrote by 10/20%.
  • Shadowstep increases the damage of your next Garrote by 20% when activated.
  • Initiative gives you a 33/66/100% chance to add an additional combo point to your target when using your Garrote ability.
  • Dirty Deeds reduces the energy cost of your Garrote by 10 or 20 energy.
  • Master of Subtlety increases damage of the opener and attacks in the next 6 seconds by 4%, 7%, 10%.
  • Blood Splatter increases damage of Garrote by 15/30%.
  • Glyph of Garrote Reduces the duration of your Garrote ability by 3 sec. and increases the total damage it deals by 20%.


  • Garrote is used more often in raids because of the fact that most mobs in raids are immune to stun effects (Cheap Shot), and Ambush causes too much threat upon the opening move whereas Garrote's threat is spread across a longer period.
  • Starting at rank 7, Garrote inflicts a 3 second silence upon landing. This makes it a highly viable opener versus casters who can shake off a stun or immediately react to an ambush with a detrimental effect that can turn the fight around, such as Blink.
  • In PvP, also used extensively against other rogues if caught off guard, since damage resets stealth, making even vanish useless for enough time to finish the enemy.

Patch changes[]

  • Patch 1.4.0 (patch date:2005-05-05): Fixed a bug where combo points were not always being applied to the target when using Garrote. 

External links[]
