- Fused Wiring
- Item Level 26
Fused Wiring is an Engineering component that is found in many high level gadgets. It isn't sold by merchants and is usually found after destroying mechanical creatures or target dummies.
This item can be crafted using Engineering (275). Materials required:
- 3x Delicate Copper Wire
- 2x
[Essence of Fire]
Note: These materials will create 5x [Fused Wiring]
The recipe for this item is taught by [Schematic: Fused Wiring].
This schematic is a limited sale recipe, sold by
This item can be looted from most level 26-48 Mechanical monsters.
Fused Wiring as an ingredient[]
- Goblin Jumper Cables
- Gnomish Cloaking Device
- Mechanical Dragonling
- Lil' Smoky
- Pet Bombling
- Alarm-O-Bot
- Goblin Jumper Cables XL
- Field Repair Bot 74A
Prior to the addition of the recipe, the most common way of getting Fused Wiring was by looting the remains of Target Dummy and Advanced Target Dummy. This method can still be used. Usually 1-3 Fused Wirings from every 10 Target Dummies. The drop rate from Advanced Target Dummy may be a little higher. Another common method for getting Fused Wirings before the recipe was by farming Gnomeregan.
Patch changes[]
Template:Patch 2.1.0
Patch 1.3.0 (patch date:2005-03-07): Fused Wiring will now drop more often from target dummies.