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Vanilla WoW Wiki
Frost Resistance Totem
Spell frostresistancetotem 01
  • Frost Resistance Totem
  • 8% of base mana
  • Instant cast
  • Tools: [Fire Totem]
  • Summons a Frost Resistance Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 2 min. The totem increases party members' frost resistance by X, if within 20 yards.
Usable by
CooldownNone/Global Cooldown
Totemic Focus, Mental Quickness
Other information
Related buff
Spell frostresistancetotem 01
  • Frost Resistance
  • Frost Resistance increased by X.

Frost Resistance Totem is a totem that increases Frost Resistance of all party members within 20 yards.

Rank table[]

Rank Level Mana Cost Frost Resistance Granted Cost
1 24 75 +30 31s 50c
2 38 120 +45 99s
3 54 180 +60 2g 61s


Frost Resistance Totem is a Fire totem, and thus cannot be used at the same time as another fire totem. Like all shaman totems it only has 5 hit points and is easily targeted and destroyed.

The frost resistance granted by the totem stacks with any frost resistance gained from gear. It does however not stack with the resistance from a paladin's Frost Resistance Aura or a Druid's Mark of the Wild.

The totem can greatly reduce the damage taken while fighting against casters that rely heavily on Frost magic, or on fights with a lot of frost damage, such as Sapphiron.

Talent improvement[]

  • Totemic Focus reduces the casting cost of the totem by 25%.
  • Totemic Mastery increases the range of the totem to 30 yards.

Tips and tactics[]

In PvE, this totem is primarily used during the Sapphiron and Kel'Thuzad encounters. It sees little use elsewhere, however.

In PvP, this totem is situationally useful when fighting against Frost Mages.

Patch changes[]

  • Patch 1.11.0 (patch date:2006-06-20): Totem duration increased to 2 minutes. 
  • Patch 1.5.0 (patch date:2005-06-07): New icon. 

External links[]

Template:Shaman totems
