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Felheart Raiment is the Tier 1 set for Warlocks.


All Tier 1 set items drop in Molten Core.

Item Source Bind
[Felheart Belt] Trash Mobs BoE
[Felheart Bracers] Trash Mobs BoE
[Felheart Gloves] Lucifron BoP
[Felheart Horns] Garr, Golemagg the Incinerator BoP
[Felheart Pants] Magmadar BoP
[Felheart Robes] Golemagg the Incinerator BoP
[Felheart Shoulder Pads] Baron Geddon, Garr BoP
[Felheart Slippers] Shazzrah, Gehennas, Sulfuron Harbinger BoP


A Male gnome wearing Felheart


Felheart Raiment
Inv belt 13
Inv bracer 07
Inv gauntlets 19
Inv helmet 08
Inv pants cloth 14
Inv chest cloth 09
Inv shoulder 23
Inv boots cloth 05


For the most part, the set is weak on +spell damage and some Warlocks prefer other non set drops in Molten Core; however, it's 5/8 set piece bonus makes it a powerful set choice for Soul Link warlocks.

The 8-set bonus that reduces mana cost of shadow spells is especially good for boss fights where a lot of mana is used. However, this bonus has a double effect: Life Tap will reduce 15% less health, while still giving the same amount of mana. The final result is that life converted to spells will provide 30% more spells in total because of this bonus. This will make the bonus much better than the Tier 3 Plagueheart Raiment 8-set bonus, that merely reduces health cost of Life Tap by 12%.

See also: Set look alikes

Patch changes[]

  • Patch 1.6.0 (patch date:2005-07-12): Now has updated art. 
  • Patch 1.5.0 (patch date:2005-06-07): Statistics, effects, and set bonuses updated. 

External links[]

fr:Grande tenue du Gangrecœur
