Vanilla WoW Wiki
Vanilla WoW Wiki

A faction is a group of allies, either racial or ideological. Most in-game factions are described in Warcraft lore, but some were specifically introduced in World of Warcraft. The concept of a faction exists primarily in World of Warcraft. The use of factions in other Warcraft games is more for general grouping purposes and not quantitatively tracked like World of Warcraft.

Most factions are tracked in World of Warcraft by the reputation that a player character has with each faction. Some groups that are not tracked as factions appear in the organization list.


Faction map through Wrath Wrath of the Lich King

World of Warcraft (Classic)[]

WoW Icon 16x16 This section concerns content exclusive to World of Warcraft.

Argent Dawn Neutral (related to Naxxramas, Stratholme & Scholomance)
Bloodsail Buccaneers Neutral (enemies of Booty Bay)
Brood of Nozdormu Neutral (related to Ahn'Qiraj)
Cenarion Circle Neutral (related to Ahn'Qiraj)
Darkmoon Faire Neutral
Gelkis clan Neutral (enemies of Magram clan)
Hydraxian Waterlords Neutral (related to Molten Core)
Magram clan Neutral (enemies of Gelkis clan)
Ravenholdt Neutral (related to Rogues)
Shen'dralar Neutral (related to Dire Maul)
Syndicate Neutral
Thorium Brotherhood Neutral (related to Molten Core)
Timbermaw Hold Neutral
Zandalar Tribe Neutral (related to Zul'Gurub)


Horde Horde races[]

Darkspear Trolls Darkspear Trolls (related to Trolls)
Orgrimmar Orgrimmar (related to Orcs)
Thunder Bluff Thunder Bluff (related to Tauren)
Undercity Undercity (related to Forsaken)

Alliance Alliance races[]

Darnassus Darnassus (related to Night elves)
Gnomeregan Exiles Gnomeregan Exiles (related to Gnomes)
Ironforge Ironforge (related to Dwarves)
Stormwind Stormwind (related to Humans)
Wintersaber Trainers (related to night elves and Winterspring)

Horde/Alliance Forces[]

Horde Forces Horde[]

The Defilers (related to Arathi Basin)
Frostwolf Clan (related to Alterac Valley)
Warsong Outriders (related to Warsong Gulch)

Alliance Forces Alliance[]

The League of Arathor (related to Arathi Basin)
Silverwing Sentinels (related to Warsong Gulch)
Stormpike Guard (related to Alterac Valley)

Steamwheedle Cartel Neutral[]

Booty Bay


Syndicate (enemies of Ravenholdt)
Wintersaber Trainers Alliance (related to Winterspring)

See also[]

External links[]
