Vanilla WoW Wiki
Vanilla WoW Wiki
ApprenticeJourneyman ⇒ Expert ⇒ Artisan

Expert is an NPC class in the Warcraft RPG.
In World of Warcraft, it is the third stage of a profession learned at the appropriate (Expert or better) profession trainer, except where noted below.

Profession skill levels fall into four stages of increasing ability to learn and execute recipes: Apprentice, Journeyman, Expert, Artisan


  • At 125 skill points (not counting racial or other bonuses), you can learn the Expert stage and gain up to 225 points before you must learn Artisan to advance.
  • You must be level 20 to become an Expert.
  • You can learn the Artisan stage at 200 points before you reach 225 points.
  • Secondary professions require a special book to train for the Expert stage.


The RPG Icon 16x36 This section concerns content exclusive to the Warcraft RPG, and thus is not necessarily canon.

The expert is similar to a commoner, but they are well trained or perform a unique role in society. Experts are diverse, skilled, and less widespread than commoners. A village blacksmith who turns out horseshoes and iron pots is a commoner, while the king's swordsmith is an expert. The dwarven gemcutter, night elf herbalist, and Forsaken wilderness guide are all experts.[1]



  1. World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, pg. 366
