Vanilla WoW Wiki
Vanilla WoW Wiki
Inv stone sharpeningstone 012020
  • Elementium Ore
  • Item Level 60Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable

Elementium Ore is a a special ingot of Elementium created by the metallurgists of Blackwing Lair. Very rare and difficult to find and process, it is used in the creation of extremely powerful weapons and armor. The ore and Blacksmith recipe to process it can only be found in Blackwing Lair.

The ore can be used for several epic-level quests or to create [Enchanted Elementium Bar]s, which are used in the creation of [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker].


Elementium Ore drops from Blackwing Technicians (goblins) in Blackwing Lair.

As an ingredient[]


  • Smelt Elementium

As a quest objective[]

  • N [60] The Good News and The Bad News
  • N [60] Imperial Qiraji Regalia
  • N [60] Imperial Qiraji Armaments


The RPG Icon 16x36 This section concerns content exclusive to the Warcraft RPG, and thus is not necessarily canon.

This metal is extremely rare, found only in some of the most remote regions of Azeroth. It is believed by archaeologists to have been formed during the prehistoric reign of the Old Gods, in places where there were high concentrations of elemental creatures. In fact, elementium isn't native to Azeroth, and is found only near high concentrations of elemental creatures because they bring it from the Elemental Plane where it is actually quite common.

The unique properties of elementium allow it to absorb and channel elemental forces. Skilled smiths temper elementium in blistering forges, adding to the quality of the item. All such objects are masterwork quality and are immune to cold, fire and electricity damage. Elementium is the hardest known metal. Elementium is so heavy that to craft armor from it would leave the wearer virtually immobile, so the metal is usually only used to craft weapons. Elementium has no market price. It's too rare to be available. It's not something you buy-it's something you go get.[citation needed]

Patches and hotfixes[]

External links[]

fr:Minerai d'élémentium
