Vanilla WoW Wiki
Vanilla WoW Wiki
Classese Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior
Class races Dr Hu Ma Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Quests Dr Hu Ma Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Abilities Dr Hu Ma Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Trainers Dr Hu Ma Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Talents Dr Hu Ma Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Talent builds Dr Hu Ma Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Tactics Dr Hu Ma Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Armor sets Dr Hu Ma Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Starting a Dr Hu Ma Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
PvE Dr Hu Ma Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
PvP Dr Hu Ma Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr
Useful macros Dr Hu Ma Pa Pr Ro Sh Wl Wr

Druid abilities are wide-ranging, enabling one to specialize in any of the main roles in the game. Balance spells deal nature damage, restoration spells heal and provide support, feral combat abilities offer melee damage, while guardianMists of Pandaria abilities are for tanking.

Being shapeshifted is automatically removed if you attempt to cast a spell or ability not designated to your current form. There are times when switching forms is advantageous regardless what action is taking place. This is because switching between any form to another will automatically break any immobilizing or polymorph effects such as: Snare, Root, and Polymorph.
