Druid the Shape Shifter
- This article has been tagged among the Pages that need revision.
A druid trainer is an NPC that offers druids the opportunity to train and learn ranks of spells, including talent-based abilities.
Alliance Trainers[]
Druid Trainers
Aldrassil, Teldrassil (Night elf starting location)
Mardant Strongoak (11)
Dolanaar, Teldrassil
Kal (22)
Cenarion Enclave, Darnassus
Fylerian Nightwing (40)
Denatharion (50)
Mathrengyl Bearwalker (60)
The Park, Stormwind City
Sheldras Moontree (60)
Valaar's Berth, Azuremyst Isle
Shalannius (60)
Silver Enclave, Dalaran
Muran Fairden (80)
Several locations in Gilneas
Celestine of the Harvest (5)
Lor'danel, Darkshore
Dular (25)
Howling Oak, Darnassus
Lyros Swiftwind (40)
Talran of the Wild (40)
Vassandra Stormclaw (40)
Gates of Ironforge, Dun Morogh
Dareth (60)
Horde Trainers[]
Druid Trainers
Camp Narache, Mulgore (Tauren starting location)
Gart Mistrunner (9)
Echo Isles, Durotar
Zen'tabra (11)
Bloodhoof Village, Mulgore
Gennia Runetotem (12)
Razor Hill, Durotar
Jabul (15)
Sen'jin Village, Durotar
Den'chulu (25)
Crossroads, Northern Barrens
Musu Gentlemoon (25)
Camp Mojache, Feralas
Jannos Lighthoof (50)
Elder Rise, Thunder Bluff
Kym Wildmane (40)
Turak Runetotem (50)
Sheal Runetotem (60)
Valley of Wisdom, Orgrimmar
Shalla Whiteleaf (60)
Valley of Spirits, Orgrimmar
Sesebi (60)
Walk of Elders, Silvermoon
Harene Plainwalker (60)
Apothecarium, Undercity
Mala Skywatcher (60)
Sunreaver's Sanctuary, Dalaran
Hahna Moonscrest (80)
Neutral Trainers[]
Druid Trainers
Nighthaven, Moonglade
Loganaar (51)
Nighthaven, Moonglade
Zen'Balai (60)
Terrace of Light, Shattrath City, Terokkar Forest
Baelir (70)
Terrace of Light, Shattrath City, Terokkar Forest
Muha (70)
Removed trainers[]
Druid Trainers
The Park, Stormwind
The Park has been destroyed.
Maldryn (40)
Theridran (50)
Sheldras Moontree (60)
Talonbranch Glade, Felwood Trainer removed with Cataclysm
Golhine the Hooded (60)
External links[]