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Vanilla WoW Wiki

Drinks come in many forms in WoW

In World of Warcraft, drink can mean a couple of things:

  1. A beverage item that your character can consume by sitting down that restores mana over a specified time period. Food items are the analog to drink for health.
  2. A beverage item, generally created by cooking, that your character can consume that provides a benefit other than mana restoration.
  3. An alcoholic beverage item that provides an inebriation debuff known as becoming tipsy. Some items provide a useful buff as well as being alcoholic.
  4. As a verb, the act of consuming a drink item, an elixir, or a potion.

Drink vendors will appear with as a bread/milk icon (MiniIcon FoodDrink) at their locations, when using the minimap tracking feature.

Drink Items[]

Drink items can be received as quest rewards, purchased from vendors, created with cooking*, found in containers such as Water Barrels and Milk Barrels, and conjured by mages. Mana restoring drink items are often referred to collectively as "water", which is not strictly accurate.

Only a few types of drink can be created with cooking:

  • [Thistle Tea] - restores a rogue's energy rather than mana.
  • [Goldthorn Tea] - a mana restoring drink.
  • [Egg Nog] an alcoholic beverage that grants food benefit - it restores health rather than mana.
    • Egg Nog counts as a drink toward the It's Happy Hour Somewhere achievement, not as a food toward the Tastes Like Chicken achievement.
  • [Hot Apple Cider] - a mana restoring drink, with a "well fed" buff.
  • [Captain Rumsey's Lager] - an alcoholic beverage that gives a fishing skill buff.
  • [Kungaloosh] - an alcoholic mana restoring drink.

Alcoholic Drinks[]

Alcoholic drinks (ale, beer, wine, mead, etc.) can be purchased from innkeepers, vendors and from events, received as quest rewards, or found as drops. A few can be made by cooking. These drinks do not restore mana, but instead cause your character to become tipsy. (Egg Nog restores health.) Some also provide temporary stat buffs. As of Patch 2.1, these buffs count as Well Fed and do not stack with food buffs anymore.

Types of buyable drink[]

Name Level Requirement Mana Healed Price1
INV Drink 07 [Refreshing Spring Water] 151 mana over 18 seconds 25c
INV Drink Milk 01 [Ice Cold Milk] 5 436 mana over 21 seconds 1s 25c
INV Drink 09 [Melon Juice] 15 835 mana over 24 seconds 5s
INV Drink 12 [Sweet Nectar] 25 1344 mana over 27 seconds 10s
INV Drink 02 [Moonberry Juice] 35 1992 mana over 30 seconds 20s
INV Potion 01 [Morning Glory Dew] 45 2934 mana over 30 seconds 40s
INV Drink Waterskin 05 [Footman's Waterskin] Alliance 15 55 4200 mana over 30 seconds 20s
INV Drink Waterskin 05 [Grunt's Waterskin] Horde 15 55 4200 mana over 30 seconds 20s
INV Drink Waterskin 11 [Filtered Draenic Water] 60 5100 mana over 30 seconds 56s
INV Drink Waterskin 12 [Purified Draenic Water] 65 7200 mana over 30 seconds 64s
INV Drink Waterskin 02 [Star's Lament] 55 4200 mana over 30 seconds 12s1 Honor point
INV Drink Waterskin 01 [Star's Tears] 65 7200 mana over 30 seconds 25s2 Honor point
INV Drink 26 GoatsMilk [Sweetened Goat's Milk] 65 7200 mana over 30 seconds 60s
INV Drink 24 SealWhey [Pungent Seal Whey] 70 9180 mana over 30 seconds 85s
INV Drink 25 HoneyTea [Honeymint Tea] 75 19200 mana over 30 seconds 1g 10s
Inv drink waterskin 07 [Highland Spring Water] 85 96000 mana over 30 seconds 1g 10s

1 This is the base price before any discounts.

See also: Drink vendor

Types of conjurable drink[]

Name Level Requirement Mana Gained Spell level
INV Drink 06 [Conjured Water] 151 mana over 18 seconds 4
INV Drink 07 [Conjured Fresh Water] 5 436 mana over 21 seconds 10
INV Drink Milk 02 [Conjured Purified Water] 15 835 mana over 24 seconds 20
INV Drink 10 [Conjured Spring Water] 25 1344 mana over 27 seconds 30
INV Drink 09 [Conjured Mineral Water] 35 1992 mana over 30 seconds 40
INV Drink 11 [Conjured Sparkling Water] 45 2934 mana over 30 seconds 50
INV Drink 18 [Conjured Crystal Water] 55 4200 mana over 30 seconds 60
INV Drink 16 [Conjured Glacier Water] 65 7200 mana over 30 seconds 70

Types of alcohol[]

Main article: Alcohol
Name Alcohol strength Price1
INV Drink 13 [Thunder Ale] A fairly weak alcoholic beverage 50c
INV Drink 13 [Rhapsody Malt] A fairly weak alcoholic beverage 50c
INV Drink 10 [Bottle of Pinot Noir] A fairly weak alcoholic beverage 50c
INV Drink Milk 02 [Skin of Dwarven Stout] A typical alcoholic beverage 1s 20c
INV Potion 12 [Flask of Port] A typical alcoholic beverage 1s 50c
INV Drink 05 [Flagon of Mead] A strong alcoholic beverage 15s
INV Cask 02 [Jug of Bourbon] A strong alcoholic beverage 20s
INV Drink 10 [Brightsong Wine] A strong alcoholic beverage Quest
INV Drink 03 [Cherry Grog] A strong alcoholic beverage. 3s 40c
INV Drink 03 [Junglevine Wine] A strong alcoholic beverage. 3s 00c

1 This is the base price before any discounts.


The general achievement It's Happy Hour Somewhere requires a character to "Drink 25 different types of beverages." Drinks that provide a restorative effect over time and alcoholic beverages appear to count for this achievement, potions, elixirs, and flasks do not. The common thread is items that are conceptually a beverage count.

Event drinks often count toward this achievement, but many do not. This may be due to unresolved bugs or it may be that it was decided that they not count toward two separate achievements.

  • The monthly Brew of the Month Club drinks do not count.
  • The [Brewfest Brew] looted from the Keg of Brewfest Brew which is summoned by the [Brewfest Pony Keg] does not count.
  • The Feast of Winter Veil drinks all count. This includes the [Egg Nog], which has food-like benefits.


  • A possible explanation for why drinking things restores mana is given by the March Issue of Kirin Tor Monthly. It stayes that "proper hydration is critical to effective spellcasting". This may have been a joke.

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