Shapeshift into dire bear form, increasing melee attack power by (your level*3), armor contribution from cloth and leather items by 370%, and Stamina by 25%. Also protects the caster from Polymorph effects and allows the use of various bear abilities.
The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of Polymorph and Movement Impairing effects.
Shapeshift into dire bear form, increasing melee attack power by (your level*3), armor contribution from cloth and leather items by 370%, and Stamina by 25%. Also protects the caster from Polymorph effects and allows the use of various bear abilities.
The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of Polymorph and Movement Impairing effects.
The second version of Bear Form, gained at level 40. This form is meant to mimic the armor transition from mail to plate that warrior and paladins go through. This form has tank-like abilities, similar to a Warrior. While in bear form, the druid's Mana bar is replaced by a Rage bar.
The attack speed for Bear and Dire bear forms is 2.50.
This is essentially a more powerful version of Bear Form, and learning it prevents the Druid from using Bear Form.
This form essentially mirrors the armor change of warriors and paladins from mail to plate at level 40.
The armor bonus is only affect cloth and leather items, and not item modifiers (enchantments, armor kits, etc). For example, a Blackened Defias Belt with 50 base armor, and a +24 armor from Heavy Armor Kit will count for:
164 armor in Bear form (164 = 50 + 50 * 1.8 + 24)
259 armor in Dire Bear form ( 259 = 50 + 50 * 3.7 + 24)
259 armor in Moonkin form ( 259 = 50 + 50 * 3.7 + 24)