Vanilla WoW Wiki
Vanilla WoW Wiki
Inv misc eye 01
  • Devilsaur Eye
  • Item Level 52Disenchants into:
    [Small Brilliant Shard]: 1
  • Binds when picked up
  • Trinket
  • Use: Increases your attack power by 150 and your hit rating by 20. Effect lasts for 20 sec.
  • Cooldown: 2 min

Devilsaur Eye is a trinket exclusively for hunters that increases (ranged) attack power and chance to hit for a limited time.


Devilsaur Eye is a quest reward from the quest The Green Drake which starts with Ogtinc in Azshara. To complete the quest, you must turn the following item to Ogtinc:

  • 1 Tooth of Morphaz


  • This is one of three Sunken Temple Rewards the player can choose from. The other two choices are [Devilsaur Tooth] and [Hunting Spear].
  • There is a similar trinket called the [Earthstrike] which increases attack power by an even larger amount but does not increase chance to hit.

Effective Attack Power[]

Assuming this trinket were activated every cooldown, it would provide an effective:

150 * 20 / 120 = 150 * 1 / 6 = 150 / 6 = 25 Attack Power

Patches and hotfixes[]

  • Template:Patch 3.0.2
  • Patch 1.7.0 (patch date:2005-09-22): Added. 

External links[]
