Vanilla WoW Wiki
Defias Bandit
Gender Male/Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 8 - 9
Character class Rogue, Warrior
Health 156 - 176
Wealth 11c
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Elwynn Forest
See Icon-3D-48x48

Defias Bandits are a part of the Defias Brotherhood and can be found in Elwynn Forest, southeast of Goldshire, and north of Crystal Lake.

They are rogues and warriors and can speak Common. They are one of two major units of the Defias Brotherhood (who serve as cannon fodder).[citation needed]


  • Snap Kick Inflicts damage to an enemy, stunning it for 2 sec.


BattleMasterGossipIcon Level Type Slot Drop %
Linen Cloth [Linen Cloth] 5 Trade Good 29.45%
Red Linen Bandana [Red Linen Bandana] 1 Quest 15.77%
Darnassian Bleu [Darnassian Bleu] 5(1) Consumable 7.70%
Refreshing Spring Water [Refreshing Spring Water] 5(1) Consumable 3.83%
Westfall Deed [Westfall Deed] 8(8) Quest 1.66%

0.05% Chance of an uncommon drop.
0.10% Chance of a common drop.
0.05% Chance of a poor drop.
Note: % drop chance was correct at the time the page was generated/created. This will not be updated.

Pick pocket[]

INV Misc Bag 11 Level Drop%
A Frayed Knot [A Frayed Knot] 1 6.41%
Folded Handkerchief [Folded Handkerchief] 1 4.61%
Darnassian Bleu [Darnassian Bleu] 5 4.05%
Tough Hunk of Bread [Tough Hunk of Bread] 5 3.82%
Shiny Red Apple [Shiny Red Apple] 5 2.70%
Minor Healing Potion [Minor Healing Potion] 5 2.25%
Malachite [Malachite] 7 1.57%

External links[]

es:Bandido Defias
