Vanilla WoW Wiki
For the Warlock talent, see Death's Embrace (Warlock talent).
Spell shadow scourgebuild
  • Death's Embrace
  • Item Level 60Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Binds when picked up
  • Classes: Rogue
  • Requires Level 60
  • Use: Permanently adds 28 attack power and 12 dodge rating to a leg or head slot item. Does not stack with other enchantments for the selected equipment slot.
  • 1 Charges


This item is a quest reward from N [60R] Death's Embrace.


The quest to obtain this is repeatable so you can get multiple enchants.

Oddly, the +28AP from this enchant does not apply to Ranged Attack Power. It only adds to melee attack power.

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