Vanilla WoW Wiki
Vanilla WoW Wiki

Coldridge Valley

Coldridge Valley is the starting area for young dwarven and gnomish recruits, and contains the base camp of Anvilmar. It is located in the southwestern corner of Dun Morogh, and is linked to the greater area by Coldridge Pass to the northeast. The road through the pass leads through a tunnel which is infested with trogg raiders. It continues east and then north through Kharanos, and further winds up the mountains, terminating in the dwarven capital of Ironforge.

Coldridge Valley contains three small camps where dwarves and gnomes receive missions to defend the region from the encroaching troggs, trolls, and wildlife. Other tasks are also to be found, from collecting gear parts to delivering hot stew. When the young recruits are deemed ready to move on, they are sent out through the pass.

This area of Dun Morogh has creatures level 1 to 5.
