Vanilla WoW Wiki
"CoH" redirects here. For the novel, see Cycle of Hatred.
Circle of Healing
Spell holy circleofrenewal
  • Circle of Healing
  • 40 yds.  range
  • 6 seconds cooldown
  • 21% of base mana
  • Instant cast
  • Heals up to 5 friendly party or raid members within 30 yards of the target for X to Y. Prioritizes healing the most injured party members.
Usable by
Cooldown6 seconds
Talent treeHoly, Tier 6
Chakra, Glyph of Circle of Healing, Inspiration
Other information

Circle of Healing (CoH) is the 26-point talent in the priest's Holy tree. It is an instant-cast spell that heals nearby party or raid members within a small radius around a target.

Circle of Healing comes with a 6-second cooldown, implemented in attempts to reduce priests from simply spamming the spell, making some forms of incoming raid damage trivial, for example the Vortex spell encountered in the Malygos encounter. Despite this, the spell remains useful in many places. The spell now works as a "smart heal", a recently implemented mechanic which sees the spell seek out raid members with the lowest health and heals them instead of its old mechanic of healing a specific targetted group.

In more detail, if the spell is cast with no specific target it will use the priest caster as a "base" of the spell and will heal five targets within its 15 yard radius who are currently at the lowest health. Should the priest target someone specifically and cast the spell, it will use that targeted player as a 'base' and will heal five players (not necessarily including the 'base') for a 15 yard radius of that player.

This new mechanic is useful for healing groups of players at once whilst not having the need for them to be actually grouped together. Healing all melee at once, for example.

Patch changes[]

  • Template:Patch 3.1.0
  • Template:Patch 3.0.8
  • Template:Patch 2.3.0
  • Template:Patch 2.1.0
  • Template:Patch 2.0.10

External links[]
