Summons a Charger, which serves as a mount. This is a very fast mount.
This article is about the Alliance mount. For the Horde version, see Summon Charger.
The mighty charger serves as the steed for all those who serve the Light.[citation needed]
The Charger is an epic version of the Warhorse mount only available to paladins. It is trainable at level 40 and up until Patch 4.0.1 was a reward for completing a lengthy quest series. Completing the lengthy chain awarded a Feat of Strength achievement and also rewarded Journeyman Riding. Training this ability at level 40 requires 150 riding skill and the Warhorse ability learned.
Blood elf paladins receive a different but similar ability, Summon Charger, by the same means. Humans, dwarves, and draenei receive a Charger with blue livery and golden-plated armor, and which exudes a light golden aura. However, the blood elf Charger has red livery, with what appears to be brass armor, and exudes a reddish aura. The blood elf quest also awards a blood knighttabard.
These quests were removed in Patch 4.0.1
For the Alliance, the quest series begins in Stormwind upon reaching level 60. It involves a long quest chain that involves going to Stratholme, Dire Maul and Scholomance.
[60] Emphasis on Sacrifice -- Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker asks you to speak with High Priest Rohan in Ironforge. You are asked to donate 150 to obtain an Exorcism Censer to complete the quest.
[60] To Show Due Judgment -- High Priest Rohan sends you back to Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker with the Exorcism Censer.
[60] Exorcising Terrordale -- Kill undead in the Eastern Plaguelands by exposing them with the Censer
[60] The Work of Grimand Elmore -- Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker asks you to speak with Grimand Elmore in the Dwarven District of Stormwind.
[60] Manna-Enriched Horse Feed -- Bring Merideth Carlson 50 and 20 [Enriched Manna Biscuits] to get the Manna-Enriched Horse Feed you'll need for Ancient Equine Spirit.
[60] Ancient Equine Spirit -- Enter Dire Maul West and kill Tendris Warpwood. Once he is dead, the "Ancient Equine Spirit" NPC will spawn. Give it the Manna-Enriched Horse Feed (see below) to turn your Arcanite Barding into a Blessed Arcanite Barding.
[60] Blessed Arcanite Barding -- Bring the Blessed Arcanite Barding back to Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker.
[60] Judgment and Redemption -- Travel to the basement of Scholomance to kill the Death Knight Darkreaver and redeem his corrupted mount. Includes some novel uses of certain paladin spells (see [60] Judgment and Redemption for more information).