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Capital cities are typically the main headquarters of a faction. They are typically the largest of the faction's cities, and where their leaders usually reside.
Game capitals[]
These are capital cities, that function as major social and economical hubs for players, and must contain a bank, flight path, mailbox, inn, and at least class and profession trainers, an auction house, or a faction leader.
Playable faction capitals[]
These are capital cities specific to one or more playable factions.
Capital | Location | Factions | Races |
Darnassus | Teldrassil, Kalimdor | Darnassus , Gilneas | Night elf, Worgen |
Exodar | Azuremyst Isle , Kalimdor | Exodar | Draenei |
Ironforge | Dun Morogh, Eastern Kingdoms | Ironforge , Gnomeregan Exiles | Dwarf, Gnome |
Orgrimmar | Durotar, Kalimdor | Orgrimmar , Darkspear Trolls , Bilgewater Cartel | Orc, Troll, Goblin |
Silvermoon City | Eversong Woods , Eastern Kingdoms | Silvermoon City | Blood elf |
Stormwind City | Elwynn Forest, Eastern Kingdoms | Stormwind | Human |
Thunder Bluff | Mulgore, Kalimdor | Thunder Bluff | Tauren |
Undercity | Tirisfal Glades, Eastern Kingdoms | Forsaken | Undead |
Non-playable faction capitals[]
These are capital cities specific to non-playable factions, that act as game capitals for players.
Capital | Location | Factions | Races |
Dalaran | Crystalsong Forest, Northrend | Kirin Tor *, The Sunreavers *, The Silver Covenant * (*) | Human, Half-elf, High elf, Blood elf, Gnome |
Shattrath City | Terokkar Forest, Outland | Sha'tar*, Aldor*, Scryers*, Lower City*, Sha'tari Skyguard*, Shattered Sun Offensive* (*) | Naaru, Draenei, Blood elf, Arakkoa, Human |
Lore capitals[]
These are capital cities that do not function as capitals in World of Warcraft, but are considered capitals in lore.
Faction capitals[]
These are capital cities specific to factions with reputation that can be increased or are permenantly friendly.
Capital | Location | Factions | Races |
Aerie Peak | Hinterlands, Eastern Kingdoms | Wildhammer clan | Hill dwarf |
Bilgewater Harbor | Azshara, Kalimdor | Bilgewater Cartel | Goblin |
Cenarion Refuge | Zangarmarsh, Outland | Cenarion Expedition | Night elf, Tauren |
Dun Baldar | Alterac Valley, Alterac Mountains, Eastern Kingdoms | Stormpike Guard , Stormpike clan | Mountain dwarf |
Frostwolf Village | Alterac Valley, Alterac Mountains, Eastern Kingdoms | Frostwolf clan | Orc |
Garadar | Nagrand, Outland | Mag'har | Mag'har |
Gadgetzan | Tanaris, Kalimdor | Steamwheedle Cartel | Goblin |
Gilneas City | Ruins of Gilneas | Gilneas | Worgen |
Nighthaven | Moonglade, Kalimdor | Cenarion Circle | Night elf, Tauren, Dryad, Cenarius's children |
Revantusk Village | Hinterlands, Eastern Kingdoms | Revantusk tribe | Forest troll |
Darkspear Hold | Durotar, Kalimdor | Darkspear tribe | Jungle troll |
Sporeggar | Zangarmarsh, Outland | Sporeggar | Sporeling |
Stromgarde | Arathi Highlands, Eastern Kingdoms | League of Arathor | Human |
Timbermaw Hold | Felwood, Kalimdor | Timbermaw Hold | Furbolg |
Zuldazar | Zandalar | Zandalar tribe | Zandalar troll, Jungle troll |
Other faction capitals[]
These are capital cities specific to non-playable factions without reputation that can be increased or are permenantly hostile.
Any faction not listed as Neutral, Horde or Alliance is considered Hostile.
Capital | Location | Factions | Races |
Azjol-Nerub | Azjol-Nerub, Dragonblight, Northrend | Nerubian Empire | Nerubian |
Blackrock Spire | Blackrock Mountain, Eastern Kingdoms | Dark Horde, Black dragonflight, Smolderthorn tribe, Spirestone clan | Orc, Dragonkin, Forest troll, Ogre |
Boralus | Kul Tiras | Kul Tiras | Human |
Unknown Dragonmaw Capital | Twilight Highlands , Eastern Kingdoms | Dragonmaw clan | Orc |
Gundrak | Zul'Drak, Northrend | Drakkari tribe | Ice troll |
Grizzlemaw | Grizzly Hills, Northrend | Polar Furbolgs | Polar Furbolg |
Hellfire Citadel | Hellfire Peninsula, Outland | Fel Horde | Fel orc |
Icecrown Citadel | Icecrown Glacier, Northrend | Scourge | Undead, Lich, Nerubian, Abomination |
Mak'aru | The Rift, The Maelstrom | Makrura | Makrura |
Mok'Nathal Village | Blade's Edge Mountains, Outland | Mok'Nathal clan | Mok'Nathal |
Nazjatar | The Rift, The Maelstrom | Naga | Naga |
Razorfen Kraul | Southern Barrens, Kalimdor | Razorfen tribe | Quilboar |
Shadowforge City | Blackrock Depths, Blackrock Mountain, Eastern Kingdoms | Dark Iron clan | Dark Iron dwarf, Fire Elemental |
Skettis | Terokkar Forest, Outlands | Skettis | Arakkoa |
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj | Ahn'Qiraj, Silithus, Kalimdor | Qiraji Empire | Qiraji, Silithid |
Zul'Aman | Ghostlands , Eastern Kingdoms | Amani Empire | Forest troll |
Zul'Farrak | Tanaris, Kalimdor | Sandfury tribe | Sand troll |
Zul'Gurub | Northern Stranglethorn, Eastern Kingdoms | Hakkari tribe, Atal'ai tribe | Jungle Troll |
Former capitals[]
This is a list of capital cities that were once the capitals of playable races or factions, but have since fallen or changed hands. The factions, races, and location names are listed to reflect the capital's situation at the time of its "golden age".
Any faction not listed as Neutral, Horde or Alliance is considered Hostile.
Capital | Region | Affiliation | What Happened | Race |
Alterac City | Alterac Mountains, Eastern Kingdoms | Kingdom of Alterac | Destroyed in the Second War | Human |
Angerfang Encampment | Wetlands, Eastern Kingdoms | Dragonmaw clan | Defeated by adventurers and faction relocated to Twilight Highlands | Orc |
Bleeding Hollow Village | Terokkar Forest, Outland | Bleeding Hollow clan | Destroyed after the Second War | Orc |
Bonechewer Village | Terokkar Forest, Outland | Bonechewer clan | Destroyed after the Second War | Orc |
Burning Blade Village | Nagrand, Outland | Burning Blade clan | Destroyed after the Second War | Orc |
Capital City | Tirisfal Glades, Eastern Kingdoms | Kingdom of Lordaeron | Destroyed by the Scourge | Human |
Dalaran City | Alterac Mountains, Eastern Kingdoms | Kirin Tor | Destroyed by Archimonde in the Third War and rebuilt. | Human, High elf, Half-elf, Gnome |
Dragonmaw Fortress | Shadowmoon Valley, Outland | Dragonmaw clan | Defeated by adventurers and faction relocated to Twilight Highlands | Fel Orc |
Echo Isles | Durotar, Kalimdor | Darkspear tribe | Taken over by Zalazane | Jungle troll |
Gilneas City | Gilneas , Eastern Kingdoms | Kingdom of Gilneas | Destroyed by the Forsaken, but later re-taken by The Alliance. | Human/Worgen |
Gnomeregan | Dun Morogh, Eastern Kingdoms | Gnomeregan Exiles | Irradiated | Gnome |
Grim Batol | Twilight Highlands , Eastern Kingdoms | Wildhammer clan | Abandoned after the War of the Three Hammers | Hill dwarf |
Icemist Village | Dragonblight, Northrend | Taunka | Destroyed by the Scourge | Taunka |
Kaskala | Borean Tundra, Northrend | Kalu'ak | Under attack by the Kvaldir | Tuskarr |
Laughing Skull Village | Nagrand, Outland | Laughing Skull clan | Destroyed after the Second War | Orc |
Sen'jin Village | Durotar, Kalimdor | Darkspear Trolls | Supplanted by Darkspear Hold | Troll |
Strom | Arathi Highlands, Eastern Kingdoms | Kingdom of Arathor | Abandoned and slowly lost in favor of new kingdoms | Human |
Shrine of Ula-Tek | Zul'Aman , Eastern Kingdoms | Amani Empire | Empire pushed back by Humans and Quel'Dorei | Forest troll |
Thaurissan | Burning Steppes, Eastern Kingdoms | Dark Iron clan | Destroyed by Ragnaros | Dark Iron dwarf |
Thunderlord Stronghold | Blade's Edge Mountains, Outland | Thunderlord clan | Destroyed after the Second War | Orc |
Undermine | Kezan | Trade Princes , Bilgewater Cartel | Destroyed by the eruption of Mount Kajaro | Goblin, Goblin (playable), Hobgoblin |
Zin-Azshari | Kalimdor | Kaldorei, Quel'Dorei | Destroyed during the Great Sundering | Kaldorei |
Zul'Gurub | Northern Stranglethorn, Eastern Kingdoms | Gurubashi Empire | Taken over by the Hakkari tribe | Jungle troll |