- Bronze Bar
- Item Level 20
- Sell Price: 50
A Bronze Bar is an alloy metal made by Miners. It is used in blacksmithing plans and engineering schematics.
This item is crafted by Miners with a skill of 65.
1x [Copper Bar] | 1x [Tin Bar] |
When the copper and tin are smelted together, it creates 2 Bronze Bars.
Bronze Bar as an Ingredient[]
Bronze Bar is used in the following recipes:
Weapons | Armor |
- Aquadynamic Fish Attractor
- [Big Bronze Bomb]
- Bronze Framework
- Bronze Tube
- Crafted Solid Shot
- Gnomish Universal Remote
- Practice Lock
- [Small Bronze Bomb]
- Target Dummy
- [Whirring Bronze Gizmo]
This item stacks in groups of 20.
External links[]