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Inv fabric soulcloth bolt1010
  • Bolt of Soulcloth
  • Item Level 70Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Icon-3D-48x48
  • Sell Price: 80s

Bolts of Soulcloth are made by tailors by infusing Netherweave with the essence of souls found in Karazhan. They are used in items with high arcane resistance.

Unlike other fabrics, Soulcloth only exists as bolts, and not as individual pieces of cloth.

It is used in the production of the Soulcloth Embrace set, which is moderate-arcane-resistance, multi-purpose gear designed for fights against arcane bosses where the player does not want to reduce their stats excessively.


This pattern can be learned by Tailors with a skill level of 345, from Pattern: Bolt of Soulcloth.

Materials Required
Inv misc questionmark
1x Bolt of Netherweave
Inv misc questionmark
8x Soul Essence

The pattern is sold in limited supply by the following vendors:

  • Alliance Borto <Trade Supplies> at Telaar in Nagrand
  • Horde Mathar G'ochar <Trade Supplies> at Garadar in Nagrand
  • Horde Deynna <Tailoring Supplies> at The Bazaar in Silvermoon City
  • Alliance Neii <Tailoring Supplies> at Traders' Tier in The Exodar

As an ingredient[]


  • Soulcloth Gloves
  • Soulcloth Shoulders
  • Soulcloth Vest


  • Cloak of Darkness
  • Shadowprowler's Chestguard

External links[]
