Vanilla WoW Wiki
Inv misc herb 09
  • Bloodvine
  • Item Level 60Disenchants into:
    Not disenchantable
  • Sell Price: 5s

 Bloodvine is a Herb that can be gathered by Herbalists


Bloodvine is not gathered independently, but piggybacks on other herbs in Zul'Gurub while having a [Blood Scythe] in the inventory. it also drops randomly from enemies in Zul'Gurub.

Bloodvine as an ingredient[]

Bloodvine is used in the following recipes:


  • Bloodsoul Breastplate
  • Bloodsoul Gauntlets
  • Bloodsoul Shoulders
  • Ironvine Breastplate
  • Ironvine Gloves


  • Bloodvine Goggles
  • Bloodvine Lens


  • Blood Tiger Breastplate
  • Blood Tiger Shoulders
  • Bramblewood Helm


  • Bloodvine Boots
  • Bloodvine Leggings
  • Bloodvine Vest
  • Core Felcloth Bag
  • Gaea's Embrace
  • Sylvan Vest


How to farm Bloodvine: Most herbs in Zul'Gurub are located next to a group of NPC's, and because of this they are quite hard to get without a proper group/raid. However, Bloodvine can easily be farmed by two rogues. One rogue would pull the mobs away from the herb while the other picks it. This takes time, mainly because of the cooldown on the rogue's vanish ability.

In ZG there are 2 (yes only 2) herb nodes which have only 2 humanoids guarding them. The 1st is the hut directly to the left right after you enter, the second is the hut to the right after the second bridge, in front of Snake boss room. They do not always spawn, if they do not just reset the instance (described later). If a herb IS up in these location, its as simple as a sap and a blind to be able to pick the herb and possibly receive a Bloodvine in this manner.

To reset ZG: Head towards the door, make sure you are not the leader, promoting someone else if necessary. Leave party and zone out. Reinvite the person that was in your raid and zone in with yourself as leader. Just be sure you are not the leader when you leave raid to reset.

Patches and hotfixes[]

Patch 1.7.0 (patch date:2005-09-22): Added 

External links[]
