Blinds the target, causing it to wander at 40% of move speed confused for up to 10 seconds. This is a disorient effect. Any damage will cancel the Blind effect. Blind cancels combat (turns off auto attacks) when used.
The 3 piece bonus of the Madcap's Outfit armor set decreases the cooldown of blind by 20 seconds.
Talent improvement[]
Elusiveness reduces the cooldown of your blind by 30/60 seconds.
Tips and tactics[]
When fighting rogues, spamming your blind ability can give you an opportunity to break out of a stunlock.
Blind gives opportunity to use First Aid - use it!
Blind can now be dispelled with PvP trinket so beware of relying fully on it.
Blind is a great way to interrupt a spellcast in the case of an emergency when your Kick is either on cooldown or you are too far away.
In PvP, if you find yourself in need of a Blind and have Deadly Poisons stacked on the target, use Envenom to consume the poison so you can safely Blind the foe, bandage, and restealth.
Patch changes[]
Hotfix (2009-04-30): "Blind (Rogue) is now in the same diminishing returns category as Fear effects, but no longer shares diminishing returns with Cyclone (Druid). [2]"