Vanilla WoW Wiki
Blackrock Hunter
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoids)
Level 23-24
Health 600-650
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Redridge Mountains
See Icon-3D-48x48

Blackrock Hunters can be found in Redridge Mountains.

They are part of the Blackrock clan of orcs, who in turn are part of the Dark Horde. They are hunters and can speak Common, Low Common, and Orcish. They usually are accompanied by Dire Wolf Companions.[citation needed]

Redridge Mountains

Blackrock Hunter @ 66.1,54
Blackrock Hunter @ 66.9,56
Blackrock Hunter @ 68.1,54
Blackrock Hunter @ 68.1,58
Blackrock Hunter @ 68.4,55
Blackrock Hunter @ 69.1,55
Blackrock Hunter @ 69.3,59
Blackrock Hunter @ 69.6,57


BattleMasterGossipIconItem Level School
Enrage Enrage 1 Arcane
Throw Throw 20 Physical


BattleMasterGossipIconItem Level Source Slot Drop%
Wool Cloth [Wool Cloth] 15 Drop Cloth 23.7
Linen Cloth [Linen Cloth] 5 Drop, Vendor Cloth 10.3
Mutton Chop [Mutton Chop] 15 Drop, Vendor Food 4.9
Silk Cloth [Silk Cloth] 30 Drop, Vendor Cloth 2.7
Melon Juice [Melon Juice] 15 Drop, Quest, Vendor Drink 2.6
Blackrock Pauldrons [Blackrock Pauldrons] 18 Drop Shoulder (Mail) 2.0
Battleworn Axe [Battleworn Axe] 1 Drop Quest 1.9
Healing Potion [Healing Potion] 12 Crafted, Drop, Quest, Vendor Potions 1.3
Lesser Mana Potion [Lesser Mana Potion] 14 Crafted, Drop, Vendor Potions 0.8
Mishandled Recurve Bow [Mishandled Recurve Bow] 19 Drop Bows 0.7
Warped Blade [Warped Blade] 19 Drop One-Handed Sword 0.7
Hunting Knife [Hunting Knife] 18 Drop Dagger 0.7
Bludgeoning Cudgel [Bludgeoning Cudgel] 17 Drop One-handed Mace 0.7
Shiny War Axe [Shiny War Axe] 18 Drop Two-Handed Axe 0.7
Standard Claymore [Standard Claymore] 19 Drop Two-Handed Sword 0.7

0.09% Chance of a rare drop.
1.31% Chance of an uncommon drop.
0.27% Chance of a common drop.
0.42% Chance of a poor drop.
Note: % drop chance was correct at the time the page was generated/created.

Pick pocket[]

Item Level Skill Slot Drop%
Battered Junkbox [Battered Junkbox] 20 Pick Pocket Junk 12.8
Lucky Charm [Lucky Charm] 1 Pick Pocket Junk 12.8
Mutton Chop [Mutton Chop] 15 Pick Pocket Food 6.4
Healing Potion [Healing Potion] 12 Pick Pocket Potions 2.1
Moist Cornbread [Moist Cornbread] 15 Pick Pocket Food 2.1

External links[]
