- Blackened Defias Gloves
- Item Level 24
- Binds when equipped
- Leather
- Gloves
- 46 Armor
- +3 Strength
+1 Stamina - Durability 90 / 90
- Requires Level 13
- Sell Price: 2
- Defias Leather (5 pieces)
- [Blackened Defias Armor]
[Blackened Defias Belt]
[Blackened Defias Boots]
[Blackened Defias Gloves]
[Blackened Defias Leggings] - (2) Set: +10 Armor.
(3) Set: +5 Arcane Resistance.
(4) Set: Increased Daggers +1.
(5) Set: +10 Attack Power.
The Blackened Defias Gloves are a pair of leather gloves that provide bonuses to strength, and stamina. It is part of the Defias Leather armor set.
The Blackened Defias Gloves has a chance to drop off Trash Mobs in The Deadmines.
- This armor set is very useful to level 19 twink rogues, with the bonuses to agility, stamina, and strength.
[Tunic of Westfall] is probably the only item most Alliance rogues will choose over this. This can also substititute Armor of the Fang if a druid prefers stamina and agility over strength and intellect.