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Inv chest leather 08
Gnome Defias

Gnome male wearing the Blackened Defias Armor and a Red Defias Mask

The Blackened Defias Armor is a leather chestpiece that provides bonuses to strength, stamina, and agility. It is part of the Defias Leather armor set.


The Blackened Defias Armor has a low chance (15%-24%) to drop off Edwin VanCleef in The Deadmines.


  • The Blackened Defias is the best piece of the set and sells to vendors for over 14s.
  • This armor set is very useful to level 19 twink rogues, with the bonuses to agility, stamina, and strength. Inv chest leather 07 [Tunic of Westfall] is probably the only item most Alliance rogues will choose over this. This can also substititute Armor of the Fang if a druid prefers stamina and agility over strength and intellect.

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