Gather information about the target beast. The tooltip will display damage, health, armor, any special resistances, and diet. In addition, Beast Lore will reveal whether or not the creature is tameable and what abilities the tamed creature has.
Gather information about the target beast. The tooltip will display damage, health, armor, any special resistances, and diet. In addition, Beast Lore will reveal whether or not the creature is tameable and what abilities the tamed creature has.
Reveals to the Hunter the characteristics of the targeted Beast. Once cast, the Hunter can put his mouse over the beast and the information will be revealed.
Beast Lore can let you know if a beast is tamable.
Beast Lore can let you know how difficult a beast is to fight by showing you its stats (This also works on druids in feral forms, even of your own faction).
Beast Lore can let you know what diet the beast has.
Only works on beasts
Patch changes[]
Patch 1.6.0 (patch date:2005-07-12): Will no longer flag you for PvP or cause guard retaliation when used on an enemy faction target.
Patch 1.2.0 (patch date:2004-12-18): Beasts under the effect of Beast Lore will now display whether they are tameable or not.