Vanilla WoW Wiki
Vanilla WoW Wiki

Battleground holidays occur during all weekends, starting on Thursday night at Midnight and continuing until early Tuesday morning. During a holiday, emissaries from the featured battleground are found in the major cities, and honor & faction rewards for performing objectives in that battleground are increased. These increases were explained in an official posting on the forums in December 2007 by Blizzard Entertainment Nethaera,[1] and can be found below.

You can find the current schedule of battleground holidays on the calendar for your character when logged-in on the official web site.

Battleground holidays follow a rotating sequence. Occasionally, the sequence has been updated to include newer battlegrounds, in addition to older battlegrounds. Each weekend, the next battleground in the cycle is selected. So the battleground featured on the first weekend of the month, for example, can be different from month to month. This is different from previous years, when there were fewer battlegrounds, and a battleground's holiday fell on the same weekend every month.

As of Patch 3.3.3, battleground holidays are referred to as "Call to Arms".


As of Patch 4.3.4, battleground holidays have the following cycle of events:

Bonus honor and reputation[]

Based on blue post about Patch 2.3:[1]

Alterac Valley
Bonus Honor Normal Holiday
Tower Destruction 3 Kill(s) 3 Kill(s)
Enemy NPC Kill 0 Kill(s) 0 Kill(s)
Captain Kill 3 Kill(s) 3 Kill(s)
General Kill 4 Kill(s) 4 Kill(s)
Map complete 0 Kill(s) 4 Kill(s)
Per owned graveyard 0 Kill(s) 0 Kill(s)
Live Captain 2 Kill(s) 2 Kill(s)
Per undestroyed Tower 2 Kill(s) 2 Kill(s)
Per owned Mine 0 Kill(s) 0 Kill(s)
Bonus reputation Normal Holiday
Tower Destruction 12 Honor point 18 Honor point
Enemy NPC Kill 5 Honor point 5 Honor point
Captain Kill 125 Honor point 185 Honor point
General Kill 350 Honor point 525 Honor point
Map complete 0 Honor point 0 Honor point
Per owned Graveyard 12 Honor point 18 Honor point
Live Captain 125 Honor point 175 Honor point
Per undestroyed Tower 12 Honor point 18 Honor point
Per Owned Mine 24 Honor point 36 Honor point
Warsong Gulch
Bonus Honor Normal Holiday
Flag Capture 2 Kill(s) 2 Kill(s)
Win 1 Kill(s) 3 Kill(s)
Map Complete 2 Kill(s) 4 Kill(s)
Bonus reputation Normal Holiday
Flag Capture 35 Honor point 45 Honor point
Arathi Basin
Bonus Honor Normal Holiday
Honor per resource 1 Kill(s) per 330 resources 1 Kill(s) per 200 resources
Win 1 Kill(s) 1 Kill(s)
Map Complete 1 Kill(s) 1 Kill(s)
Bonus reputation Normal Holiday
Reputation per resource 10 Honor point per 200 resources 10 Honor point per 150 resources
Eye of the Storm
Bonus Honor Normal Holiday
Honor per resource 1 Kill(s) per 330 resources 1 Kill(s) per 200 resources
Win 1 Kill(s) 1 Kill(s)
Map Complete 1 Kill(s) 1 Kill(s)

Patch changes[]

  • Template:Patch 3.3.3
  • Template:Patch 2.3.0
  • Patch 1.7.0 (patch date:2005-09-22): Added. 


See also[]
