Vanilla WoW Wiki
Bath'rah the Windwatcher
Gender Male
Race Jungle troll (Humanoid)
Level 35
Location Alterac Mountains
See Icon-3D-48x48

Bath'rah the Windwatcher is a level 35 quest giver located at the Chillwind Point ruins (80,67) in the contested territory of Alterac Mountains. He is a weaponcrafter who has taken up the life of a hermit. A great elemental creature known as the Cyclonian lives in the ruins and Bath'rah desires to use the heart of the creature to make a great weapon. He hopes that one day he'll find a champion to defeat the elemental.

He starts the following quests:

  • N Warrior [40] Cyclonian
  • N Warrior [40] The Summoning (Elite)
  • N Warrior [40] Whirlwind Weapon (Elite)
  • N Shaman [52] Spirit Totem
  • N Shaman [52] Da Voodoo (Dungeon)

See List of Alterac Mountains NPCs.


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