Vanilla WoW Wiki
Baron Silverlaine
Image of Baron Silverlaine
Gender Male
Race Ghost (Undead)
Level 24 Elite
Health 3285
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Baron
Location Shadowfang Keep

Baron Silverlaine is usually the second boss in Shadowfang Keep, but he can be skipped, if the party decides to rush straight to Archmage Arugal.


Silverlaine was the former lord and ruler of Shadowfang Keep, but was killed when the worgen, summoned to the world of Azeroth by Archmage Arugal, turned on their masters, and began attacking not only the scourge, but the Kirin Tor as well. The worgen besieged Silverlaine's keep, now known as Shadowfang Keep, and butchered every single human in there, as well as its ruler - Baron Silverlaine. Now Silverlaine haunts the keep with the other ghosts, standing as shadows of the past, waiting to enact their revenge, yet unable to do that, because of Arugal's magic, which protects his "children" from the ghosts. And so the former ruler of the keep stands, engulfed in a shroud of hatred and madness, waiting for unlucky victims to cross his path.

Attacks and abilities[]


The fight is really easy, if you know the trick. But before that, the first and foremost thing to do is to kill the Shadowfang Wolfguard who patrols the stairs. Wait for him to come and kill him before engaging Baron Silverlaine, else it might result in a painful wipe. As for Silverlaine, keep in mind his nasty debuff and decurse it as soon as possible. If you do that, the fight will be of no problems.


Inv belt 29
Inv mace 02

Preceded by:
Ruler of the Shadowfang Keep
Succeeded by:
Archmage Arugal


