Functions exactly the same as the Hearthstone except the cooldown time is only 15 minutes, allowing you to return home up to 4 times per hour without a Hearthstone or 6 times with one.
Rank Table[]
This spell cannot be used during combat. Hearthstone can be used during combat, but it will be interrupted if the user takes any damage.
You can destroy your hearthstone to free up an inventory slot. If you do so the next time you change your home you will be given another one.
You can reduce the Cooldown to 7.5 minutes by glyphing it.
By setting your hearthstone to a central place, such as Dalaran, you can then go to a less crowded and hectic place (such as Thunder Bluff for Horde or the Exodar or Darnassus for Alliance) to take care of business only available in the Old World. With a second Hearthstone, you can quickly return to the action once your business is completed.
Patch changes[]
Patch 1.3.0 (patch date:2005-03-07): The tooltip now includes the home point the spell will recall you to.