Vanilla WoW Wiki
ApprenticeJourneymanExpert ⇒ Artisan

Artisan is the fourth stage of a profession learned at the appropriate profession trainer (see below).

Profession skill levels fall into four stages of increasing ability to learn and execute recipes: Apprentice, Journeyman, Expert, Artisan.


  • Not counting racial or other bonuses, at a skill level of 200 you can learn the Artisan stage and gain up to a maximum of 300 points.
  • You must be level 35 to become an Artisan in most professions (gathering professions require level 25 and fishing requires level 10).
  • The trainer who can train Artisan stage for each profession can usually be found in any racial capital city, just ask a guard.
  • No skill or profession can increase above 300 points (not including racial or other bonuses).