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For the gnome racial trait, see racial traits .
Arcane [ ]
Arcane is primarily used by Mages and Druids . It has long been one of the least used resistances. Gnomes , having an affinity for arcane energies, benefit from a permanent +10 Arcane Resistance as a Racial Trait .
Resistable spells [ ]
Druid : Moonfire, Starfire
Hunter : Arcane Shot, Concussive Shot, Flare, Hunter's Mark, Volley
Mage : Arcane Missiles, Arcane Explosion, Counterspell, Polymorph
Priest : Starshards
Items with Arcane resistance [ ]
Soulcloth Embrace : 110 AR, 78 Stam, 48 Int, 36 Spi, 3 pieces: gloves(1 yellow 1 red, 3 Int), shoulders(1 yellow 1 red, 3 Int) and chest(1 yellow 1 red 1 blue, 4 Int): 16 spell hit rating bonus for 3 pieces
Arcanoweave Vestments : 110 AR, 115 Stam, 9 mp5, 3 pieces: boots, wrists and chest: 16 spell hit rating bonus for 3 pieces
Wizardweave Robe : 17 AR
Wizardweave Turban : 18 AR
Wizardweave Leggings : 16 AR
Enchanted Clefthoof: 100 AR, 84 Stam, 3 pieces: boots(2 blue, 6 AP), gloves(2 blue, 6 AP, legs(3 blue, 8 AP)
Enchanted Adamantite: 140 AR, 96 Stam, 4 pieces: belt(1 blue 1 yellow, 3 defense rating), boots(1 red 1 blue, 3 dodge rating), chest(2 blue 1 yellow, 4 hit rating) and legs(1 red 2 blue, 4 defense rating)
See also [ ]