An Animal Aspect is a self-buff that is modeled after different types of animals. The ability to assume the aspect of an animal is exclusive to Hunters. Hunters can learn a total of eight different Aspects. Only one Aspect can be active at a time, and will last until canceled. The different Aspects give the hunter the ability to tailor him/herself for the upcoming battle. Two Aspects, Aspect of the Pack and Aspect of the Wild, will be shared among party members. Two other aspects, Aspect of the Monkey and Aspect of the Hawk, are combined into Aspect of the Dragonhawk for players above level 74.
- Aspect of the Monkey: The hunter takes on the characteristics of a monkey, increasing chance to dodge by 18%. (Removed in 4.0.3)
- Aspect of the Hawk: The hunter takes on the characteristics of a hawk, increasing Ranged Attack Power by X.
- Aspect of the Cheetah: The hunter takes on the characteristics of a cheetah, increasing movement speed by 30%. If the hunter takes damage, he will be dazed for 4 sec.
- Aspect of the Beast: The hunter takes on the characteristics of a beast, becoming untrackable and increasing melee attack power of the hunter and the hunter's pet by 10%. (Removed in 4.0.3)
- Aspect of the Pack: The hunter's group (including the hunter) takes on the characteristics of a pack of cheetahs, increasing all their movement speeds by 30%. If a pack member takes damage, that member will be dazed for 4 sec.
- Aspect of the Wild: The hunter and his/her group take on the characteristics of the wilderness, gaining +X resistance to Nature damage.
- Aspect of the Viper: The hunter takes on the aspect of the viper, causing ranged attacks to regenerate mana but reducing the hunter's total damage done by 50%. In addition the hunter gains 4% maximum mana every 3 sec. Mana gained is based on the speed of the ranged weapon used. (Removed in 4.0.3)
- Aspect of the Dragonhawk: The hunter takes on the aspects of a dragonhawk, increasing ranged attack power by X and chance to dodge by 18%. (Removed in 4.0.3)
- Aspect of the Fox: The hunter takes on the aspects of a fox, allowing you to shoot Steady Shot and Cobra Shot while moving and causing you to gain 2 Focus whenever you receive a melee attack.
Patch changes[]
- Template:Patch 3.0.2
- Template:Patch 3.0.8a
Template:Hunter aspects