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Amnennar the Coldbringer
Title The Cold, Ruler of Razorfen Downs
Gender Male
Race Lich
Level 37 (Boss)
Character class Archmage, Mage, Necromancer, Wizard (RPG)
Health 8,744
Mana 9,136
Affiliation Undead Scourge
Occupation Ruler of Razorfen Downs
Location Razorfen Downs
Status Killable
See Icon-3D-48x48

Amnennar the Coldbringer is a level 37 elite lich boss found in Razorfen Downs. His level was lowered from 41 in Patch 2.3.

In the Barrens lies a horrid tangle of briars called Razorfen Downs. While once it was the capital city of simple Razormane quilboar, now it has become apparent that the Scourge has taken over. The lich Amnennar the Coldbringer rules them now, using the power of his massive consciousness to control every move of the Death's Head quilboar. Amnennar has a direct telepathic link to The Lich King.[1]

Amnennar sits atop the Spiral of thorns, a mountain of massive spiked vines infested with his undead minions around a brazier burning with cold flames.

Also known as Amnennar the Cold.


  • Amnennar's Wrath (Knocks an enemy back.)
  • Frost Nova (Inflicts Frost damage to nearby enemies, immobilizing them for up to 8 sec.)
  • Frostbolt (Inflicts Frost damage (167 - 225) to an enemy and reduces its movement speed for 4 sec.)
  • Summon Frost Spectres (Summons a Frost Spectre.)


During the battle Amnennar will summon 3 groups of spectres, ignore them all and kill him fast, as they will die when he is defeated.

Note: The spirits die the moment Amnennar dies and should not be worried about too much, although they can hit for a good deal, but nothing the healing can't handle provided they are kept on the tank.


  • H [42D] Bring the End
  • A [42D] Bring the Light



  • You'll never leave this place alive.:


  • I am the hand of the Lich King!


  • To me, my servants!
  • Come, spirits - attend your master!

Killing a player:

  • Too... Easy.


Notable Loot
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    Coldrage Dagger
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    Deathchill Armor
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    Icemetal Barbute
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    Robes of the Lich
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    Skull of the Coldbringer
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  1. Bring the End

External links[]

fr:Amnennar le Porte-froid pl:Amnennar the Coldbringer
