Vanilla WoW Wiki
Agent Amber Kearnen
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 22
Affiliation Stormwind
Location Westfall
See Icon-3D-48x48

Agent Kearnen is a level 22 quest giver located outside the tower in the southeastern part of the Dust Plains in the human territory of Westfall. According to her journal she is a SI:7 Ground Level Operative, R8. (R8 most likely stands for Rank 8.)

See List of Westfall NPCs.


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  • A Rogue [24] Klaven's Tower Quest Avail 16x16


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  • In Westfall, she is stealthed, so she isn't visible from a fair distance.


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  • Be sure to read over the notes in my journal, <name>. You will find them to be invaluable in overcoming the tower's defenses.

External links[]

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