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Aman'Thul the High Father
Gender Male
Race(s) Aesir titan
Character class Healer, Druid of the wild, Shaman (RPG)
Affiliation The Pantheon
Occupation King of the Titans, Leader of the Pantheon
Location Unknown
Status Active
Relative(s) Sargeras (brother), Eonar (consort), Golganneth (son)
Alignment Lawful neutral

Aman'Thul is a male aesir titan. He is the leader of the Pantheon, and brother to Sargeras. His consort is Eonar the Lifebinder.

Aman'Thul M5


His metallic skin is platinum and eyes glow yellow. His hand holds a large staff, Orodur, with a Lightning symbol atop and electricity flows around the staff. He has long hair and a beard reaching his waist.[citation needed]

Aman’Thul rules the Pantheon — the titan high council. He is the oldest and wisest of his ancient race. Once, Aman’Thul and his brother Sargeras oversaw the creation of innumerable worlds across the Twisting Nether and gently guided countless races to greatness. Sargeras was Aman’Thul’s closest advisor and supporter until he turned to evil. Now Aman’Thul looks to his consort, Eonar, for council. Though the mysterious High Father is rarely seen, every world feels his presence. As leader of the titans, Aman’Thul is responsible for the creation of all worlds, including Azeroth. All those who revere the titans ultimately pay their respects to the High Father. On Azeroth, explorers have only recently uncovered the titans’ existence, and few aside from the Ironforge dwarves venerate them. Dwarves, being a practical lot, show their respect for the titans by delving ever deeper into their mysteries.[citation needed]

Aman’Thul prefers to keep his distance and pound his foes with magic, casting up to three spells at once (one normal, one quickened, and one hastened). He takes to the air if it seems helpful, hovering above the conflict and raining magical destruction upon his enemies. Against great foes, he uses gate to call Eonar, Aggramar, or Norgannon to his side. He willingly enters melee if necessary, casting quickened spells every chance he can. He uses avatar if he exhausts his spells. [1]

On Azeroth[]

On Azeroth, Aman'Thul blessed Nozdormu the Dragon Aspect with power over Time to be watchful of Azeroth's myriad of time paths and destiny; protecting the integrity of its timelines.


Aman'Thul's lightning powers were likely inspired by Zeus, the Greek god of gods, but his form, personality, and title are cloned with great effectiveness from the Viking chief god, Odin the Allfather.[2]

In World of Warcraft?[]

WoW Icon 16x16 This section concerns content exclusive to World of Warcraft.

An apparition of Aman, who may possibly represent Aman'Thul, can be seen in World of Warcraft.

In Cataclysm[]

Cataclysm This section concerns content exclusive to Cataclysm.

The final boss in the dungeon End Time, Murozond, briefly mentions Aman'thul, making it one of the only direct mentions of him in the game. The significance of this is still unknown.

(Upon defeat) Murozond yells: You know not what you have done. Aman'Thul... What I... have... seen...


  1. Shadows & Light, 113-114
  2. Blizzard Entertainment (2004). The Titans Lore. Shadows & Light. Icon-blizzplanet-22x22 Blizzplanet and White Wolf Publishing.

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