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Archbishop Alonsus Faol
Image of Archbishop Alonsus Faol
Title Archbishop of the Church of Light
Gender Male
Race Human
Character class Cleric (All); Priest
Affiliation Alliance, Clerics of Northshire, Church of Light, Order of the Silver Hand, Brotherhood of Northshire
Occupation Leader of the Church of Light
Location Believed to be buried outside of the Scarlet Monastery, Tirisfal Glades
Status Deceased
Student(s) Benedictus, Uther the Lightbringer

Alonsus Faol was the head of the Holy Order of Northshire Clerics prior to the First War between the humans and orcs. Following the terrible attrition suffered by his clerics in that conflict and the destruction of Northshire Abbey, the aged Faol fled with the surviving citizens of Stormwind to Lordaeron.

Aided by his apprentice, Uther Lightbringer, Faol refounded the Order as the Knights of the Silver Hand, this time equipping the followers of the Holy Light in the armaments of war. Alonsus Chapel, in Stratholme, was the site where he anointed Uther as the first of the paladins.

A statue and fountain in front of the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind City honors all the hard work done by Faol following the Second War, raising funds to help rebuild the city and reestablishing the Brotherhood of Northshire. Faol died of unknown causes (perhaps simply old age) some time prior to the coming of the Scourge to Lordaeron. His final resting place is presumed to be Faol's Rest, a graveyard in the now-plagued Tirisfal Glades, located near Scarlet Monastery.

His original name, before he became an archbishop, may have been "Farol".[1]


  1. Shadows & Light, pg. 55, 169

Preceded by:
Archbishop of the Church of Light
Succeeded by:
Jarl (Under the name of Benedictus)

de:Erzbischof Alonsus Faol es:Alonsus Faol fr:Alonsus Faol
